Recent content by artcgirl

  1. artcgirl

    2 chickens missing, Chicken heart found in the yard

    poor babies :sick That makes sense though. Thanks for your feed back.
  2. artcgirl

    2 chickens missing, Chicken heart found in the yard

    Their were no feathers or blood in the yard tho why would it take the chicken then return just the gizzard?
  3. artcgirl

    2 chickens missing, Chicken heart found in the yard

    why would an owl only leave a heart behind tho? and yes they have a coop they get shut in at night but it doesn't have locks. we live in a small town neighborhood.we have had backyard chickens for 4 years now and nothing like this has ever happend before
  4. artcgirl

    2 chickens missing, Chicken heart found in the yard

    So I talk over care of my brothers birds when he is away from home in the mornings, I check the water, top up the feed and retrieve the eggs. This morning I went out and there were only 4 eggs. I found that strange so I called out girls and only four of them came running. We have 3 red sex links...
  5. artcgirl

    Very red swollen chicken butt - pictures

    This was super helpful! Thanks for all your input. Betty Davis my Barred Plymouth Rock is having the same issue, she just turned 1
  6. Our Chicken Coop

    Our Chicken Coop

    Pictures of my brothers chicken coop
  7. artcgirl

    Canadians check in here....

    Hey everyone :) I'm from Elmira ,ontario, canada and i'm getting 6 layers in march
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