Recent content by AxisOfBeagles

  1. AxisOfBeagles

    Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

    To respond to those who seem to claim that the science community, including specifically geneticists, are not concerned with the GMO issues raised here ...
  2. AxisOfBeagles

    Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

    1. I did not mention Monsanto - but it's a valid example. 2. Small segment of the market or not, glyphosphate-resistant crops are a serious concern to many people, myself included. Your prior statement "glyphosate has nothing to do with most GMO crops" might be technically accurate in that you...
  3. AxisOfBeagles

    Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

    That latter point, if I understand you correctly, is untrue. One of the GMO crops of greatest concern to many of us are the "RoundUp Ready" (read: glyphosphate tolerant) crops popularly in use in large scale agriculture today. At the risk of repeating the same point I've made previously: it...
  4. AxisOfBeagles


    The chickens will love those maggots!
  5. AxisOfBeagles


    I guess you'll find out if and when the seeds sprout and grow ... or don't. !!
  6. AxisOfBeagles

    cuckoo Marans 9 weeks, roo or pullet?

    yep, that's a "he". and will likely grow up to look much like my own (recently departed) cuckoo marans rooster ...
  7. AxisOfBeagles


    Can't speak for wheat, but with barley I find that being very careful about my process, and frequent watering, are key to getting decent results. Best results for me come after I rinse (to get rid of chaff), soak for 24 hours, and then keep them moist - often requiring watering 4 or 5 times a...
  8. AxisOfBeagles

    Run accessible compost ... Yes/No??

    A healthy compost presents no health problems to your chickens - quite the opposite. Some years ago I was inspired by Harvey Ussery's book "the small scale poultry flock" and in it his references to the Vermont Composting Company who use chickens to help manage a commercial size composting...
  9. AxisOfBeagles

    Considering going roosterless

    Update - the aforementioned overly amorous rooster is now featherless, cleaned, and in the freezer awaiting one final appearance on the dinner table. For the time being we shall manage the flock sans le coq. I must confess that this was the hardest chore I've undertaken in quite some time. I...
  10. AxisOfBeagles

    Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

    And where, pray tell, did I provide a link to any such site - with or without tin foil hat? While I admire your passion, your arguments again fall far from the center of the target. As I said very clearly in my earlier post in this thread, there is no evidence that GMO crops present any health...
  11. AxisOfBeagles

    Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

    It is quite prejudicial to cite a lobby organization that represents tobacco, fast food companies. big agribusiness, and the booze industries as being the source of "facts". Personally, I dismiss your suggestion that the "organic food industry" is somehow the nefarious operator in this...
  12. AxisOfBeagles

    Bear attack!

    Not sure where you are but here in the California Sierra foothills bears are a common pest for chicken owners. Ive had two nearby friends lose birds to bears over the last few years. Worse, the damage the bears do while busting into a run or coop to get at the birds. I've avoided bear...
  13. AxisOfBeagles

    Pros and cons of organic vs nonorganic?

    One, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Not all GMO organisms are the same - it is a broad term. No self respecting student of science would declare "all GMO food to be safe". Many of us would rather depend on a diverse and demonstrated (time) healthy food base. Two, this argument...
  14. AxisOfBeagles

    Considering going roosterless

    No, he's Cuckoo Marans. We've had Rhode Island and Ameraucana roosters before, and this fellow really is the best - but the wear and tear on the girls is just too much.
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