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  • I've been good. Had multiple accidents last year and in 2014 that led me to discovering I am double jointed and my joints, especially my knees can move farther than they are supposed to and could really hurt me. I have already dislocated my left knee twice (once in 2014 and once last year), so I have to really be careful I don't overdo it. I am thankful that I can still do most things I used to do. The icy weather we are having isn't good either, but I could go on complaining about that forever. I'm ready for spring! Lol
    Ah... Then maybe the last I was on was 2013. The last few years are foggy. Haha
    I did get on at some point in between now and then and write a ton of articles.
    How have you been?
    Oh, probably sometime in 2014. I was on a lil' bit in 2015, but only on a couple of threads and not on for more than about 20 minutes total throughout the whole year.
    I looked at your website BTW. Didn't know you got a picture in the calendar. That's awesome! I submitted pictures before too, but they never got featured. I haven't lately though
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