Recent content by bantyhen

  1. bantyhen

    Who has the best rooster?

    Well the picture won't upload. I'll try again later!
  2. bantyhen

    Who has the best rooster?

    Here's one of mine.
  3. bantyhen

    Who has the best rooster?

    So cute! Thank you guys so much for sharing your pictures! Keep them coming!
  4. bantyhen

    Who has the best rooster?

    Beautiful I have a rooster who looks like him! Twins!
  5. bantyhen

    Easter Egger club!

    Here are some of my sweethearts! [/IMG]
  6. bantyhen

    Who has the best rooster?

    Post pictures of your handsome feathery guys in this awesome thread full of pretty plumage! Share your lovely boys in this thread!
  7. bantyhen

    My sick barred rock sweetheart

    She could have something like bronchitis if she is wheezing. I had a hen that wheezed a lot so I gave her apple cider vinegar in her water and that seemed to help. She got better
  8. bantyhen

    Is this caused by rooster?

    Try a hen saddle. It might keep her feathers from coming out as bad
  9. bantyhen

    New BYC member

    Welcome to BYC!
  10. bantyhen

    Australoprs Hens or Roosters?

    I love Australorps!
  11. bantyhen

    Baby Chick!

    Right now, she is with some of my baby guineas.
  12. bantyhen

    Baby Chick!

    My friends and I decided to incubate a chicken egg, and the chick hatched last night! Here is a picture of her. Any advice on baby chicks?
  13. bantyhen

    Share pics of your chickens here!

    Here is one of my chickens. Post pics of yours below.
  14. bantyhen

    What is your favorite country singer?

    Cool, everyone.
  15. bantyhen

    Anyone watch Becky's Homestead?

    Yes, they're pretty cool.
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