Australoprs Hens or Roosters?


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2015
Hedley British Columbia Canada
My mom purchased 8 Black Australorps Chicks. One of which turned out to be a Barred Rock so we gave it away. We are now down to what should be 7 Australorp Chicks. We think two of them are not Black Australorps.

These Chicks are now 11 weeks old. Can you please help me determine which is male and which is female as well as the two odd ones?

Chick A:

Chick B:

Chick C:

Chick D:

Chick E:

These are the two chicks we are unsure of.
Mystery Chick F:

Mystery Chick G:
The birds in the top five pics with the large, bright red combs and wattles are all Black Australorp cockerels. The two "mystery chicks" in the bottom two pics are Black Australorp pullets.
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The birds in the top five pics with the large, bright red combs and wattles are all Black Australorp cockerels. The two "mystery chicks" in the bottom two pics are Black Australorp pullets.
x2 Same breed, different gender. The first five are male. The last two a female. My girls didn't get combs like those boys until about 16 weeks old or so.

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