Recent content by Barry Michelle

  1. Barry Michelle

    Alternatives to wood shavings?

    Your local well driller can get Gravel Pack from fine sand to pea gravel in 50# bags. A little more $ but lots of options that are okay for drinking water so should not have many allergic reactions. I have a dirt floor in my coop. I spread straw but leave areas for the chickens to scratch/play...
  2. Barry Michelle

    eating ants

    Sorry, can't help with the ant bite ?s, my chickens do groom themselves a bunch though.
  3. Barry Michelle

    fish-how do you feed chickens fish

    Here in Michigan I do a lot of ice fishing. We can always catch a lot of little perch and bluegill. We let the fish lay on the ice and freeze. When we get home, what doesn't make it on the supper table(the ones that are too small to bother with and the guts, etc. from the rest.) go through my...
  4. Barry Michelle

    eating ants

    Here in Michigan I built my chicken coop close to a couple of ant mounds. The chickens loved eating the ants! They used the loose dirt to dust bathe and to eat for grit. I live north of the 45th parallel, so ants don't really bite and they are not very big. I would love to get to go to...
  5. Mini Coop design (not to scale)

    Mini Coop design (not to scale)

  6. Barry Michelle

    Free ranging in snow?

    Minpins99, Good luck on your coop! The extra time thinking about it will pay in the end.Have fun and enjoy! Here are a few pics of my mini barn coop
  7. Happy to be together!

    Happy to be together!

  8. Can you guess where the chickens roost?

    Can you guess where the chickens roost?

  9. Hope to paint this spring!

    Hope to paint this spring!

  10. Hardwood ribs, plywood gussets, treated 4x4 2' in ground.

    Hardwood ribs, plywood gussets, treated 4x4 2' in ground.

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