Recent content by Bawkbawkcanuck

  1. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Bubbles in Eye after drinking water

    I have a blue cochin who occassionally has bubbles in the corner of her eye after she sneezes. She only sneezes after she drinks water. She puts her nostrils under water when she drinks. Flock tested negative by for MG two weeks ago. They are vaccinated for everything else (IB, Mareks...
  2. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Female Barred Chick Breed ID

    They are sexed females. Thank you though!
  3. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Female Barred Chick Breed ID

    Hello, I received 25 of McMurray’s Choice Layers. I have 3 females that are black chicks with white spots. On close inspection, I can see a chipmunk pattern around the eye and on the back. Any guesses?
  4. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Blue Copper Marans or Blue Cochin?

    Good morning, I am trying to identify this rooster. He was in my blue cochin brooder from McMurray, but he looks like a copper marans? He could be because the bins where I hatched blue/black copper marans eggs were beside each other. Your thoughts? Maybe he jumped ship but his eyes have yellow...
  5. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Just a gut pile...

    Figured it out! It went in for another easy meal today, but I caught it in the act. It was a kestrel. Roo got the girls inside and I scared it off. Thanks for your help everyone!
  6. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Just a gut pile...

    Thanks sourland!!
  7. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Just a gut pile...

    I just came home to find my last 6 week old pullet eaten. The predator isn't touching my hens who are in a fenced in pen. First pullet just disappeared- no trace Second- just a gut pile,some feathers, and the inside contents of the crop. But no bones??! Any thoughts? Kestral?
  8. Bawkbawkcanuck

    What breeds?

    Hello! We have 3 new chickens that were sold as mixed heritage breed hens , could be pure. Any guesses as to their background? Swedish Flower hen or Aloha?? Hen # 2- Part Andulusian? Hen # 3- Part Legbar? Any guesses welcome! Thank you :)
  9. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Copper Maran or Black Star Pullet?

    Hello, This little lady is 8 weeks old or so. Any guesses as to weather she is a black star or maran? Thanks! Sorry she was camera shy!
  10. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Am I surrounded by boys??

    LoMc- here are baby pics and another comb pic of the Orp. m His legs are dark grey and huge. He is very subdued and acts much differently than the other 3. Wattles are coming in and comb is turning red.
  11. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Age? Sex?

    I bet. Me too I'm just a week or two ahead in my chicken learning experience.
  12. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Am I surrounded by boys??

    Interesting! Thank you both for your insight, LofMc and drumstick diva. I bought them from a Mennonite woman who hatched 2 'pure' Americanas (EEs) a Welsummer, and. Lav Orpington. Let's just say there wasn't as much communication as I would have liked or expected, but it was a Craigslist type...
  13. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Age? Sex?

    3-4 weeks old. I'm not a pro but they look like my chicks a week or two ago in terms of feathering. Not sure on sex though. Good luck!
  14. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Am I surrounded by boys??

    As the lone woman in a all boys household, human and furry, I was hoping that I would have some female friends. I'm starting to think not! 4 chicks at 5 weeks old. What are you thoughts: Lavender Orp- Roo suspected from day 1 Welsummer- dark v and eyeliner as a chick compared to sibs...
  15. Bawkbawkcanuck

    Ameraucuna or EE?

    I bought these two chicks from a Mennonite woman who said that they were pure Ameraucuna. She was not very willing to answer my questions. I think Chick A may be a Blue Wheaten Ameraucuna not sure if pullet or roo, but the second is chipmunk coloured so I'm thinking an EE pullet. Your thoughts...
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