Recent content by billdane

  1. billdane

    How to breed chickens

    Awesome thankyou very much
  2. billdane

    How to breed chickens

    This may be a dumb question but I have a barred rock rooster and and a dozen pure breed assorted hens. If I hatch the barred rock females eggs will they still be barred rocks? And I assume all the other will just be mixed breeds if I hatch theirs?
  3. billdane

    When to expect eggs or if at all in winter?

    Just wanted to let y'all know I finally got my first egg after almost 30 weeks lol I believe it's my barred rock and she has laid 2 now. She is laying them on the floor so I put in some fake eggs in nesting boxes to see if that helps
  4. billdane

    When to expect eggs or if at all in winter?

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed as of now my chickens have done absolutely nothing out of the normal like the "chicken song" or sqautting like people say so we will see
  5. billdane

    When to expect eggs or if at all in winter?

    I guess on the bright side I don't have to deal with them molting this winter. I'll just have to patient and see if I get eggs this winter or not. I guess March isn't too far away if I have waited this long...ill post pictures if I do get eggs before then.
  6. billdane

    When Does A Rooster Crow

    Mine started crowing right about 4 months
  7. billdane

    When to expect eggs or if at all in winter?

    Are you getting eggs right now chicken canoe having shorter days than me?
  8. billdane

    When will chickens start laying if it's winter

    Yeah I forgot to mention I had one. He's been crowing for a good time now. He's an awesome alarm clock
  9. billdane

    When to expect eggs or if at all in winter?

    Lol yeah I know which one my rooster is guys. He's been crowing for about 2 months now
  10. billdane

    When will chickens start laying if it's winter

    This is much better news to hear! The ones that are 24 weeks are barred rocks and Rhode Island reds. And the younger ones are speckled Sussex, light brama, and black astrolorp. And yes I have heard of the artificial lighting but I think I'm going to avoid that mainly bc I heard it is healthier...
  11. billdane

    When will chickens start laying if it's winter

    This is the answer I was afraid of.
  12. billdane

    When to expect eggs or if at all in winter?

    I can post a picture when I get home this afternoon but the older hens that are 24 weeks have a red comb and wattle. Just wasn't sure if it was normal for them to be this old and not laying or if the winter would keep them from laying at all till spring. Thanks for the reply!
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