Recent content by brierose3

  1. brierose3

    Will a goat be happy enough with dogs for company

    Theres a young goat at the pound and we are thinking about adopting it. I know goats are herd animals and do best with other goats or atleast livestock for company but if we keep the goat as part of the family along with our 3 dogs, 2 cats and chickens, will it be fine? If it gets along with the...
  2. brierose3

    Saddest song you know?

    Sick and disgusting by Beartooth (just the emotion and how he breaks down crying while recording the song)
  3. brierose3

    A strange interspecies meeting story

    Today i took some scraps down to the chicken run and i noticed the brush turkey who has been building a giant mound in the bush a few metres from the run. So I went and sat on a rock near his mound and watched him continue to tend to it, trying to impress the non present brush turkey ladies. My...
  4. brierose3

    English homework help

    Have to write a creative story for english and the story is titled 'the photo album' have heaps of homework/assignments causing me to have writers block and can't think of a plot. if anyone can give me cool prompts and ideas for a story about or involving a photo album that would be great thanks :)
  5. brierose3

    Overweight Budgie

    Thank you :) I have been making her exercise by stepping up repeatedly. We usually feed them Trill seed but my mum accidentally bought Coles brand so they've been eating that lately... Trying to get them onto more fresh food though as we grow a lot of fresh stuff ourselves (particularly kale...
  6. brierose3

    Overweight Budgie

    One of my budgies has recently gotten really noticeably fat. I weighed the other budgie (although keeping in mind that its a lot younger) and it was 29 grams compared to the overweight one which is 78 grams. Over a few days she has lost 4 grams as i am making her do some exercise out of the cage...
  7. brierose3

    Wild Rat Litter

    They look atleast 6 days old from looking at other photos online. Their eyes are closed. Would a pet shop or vet take them on?
  8. brierose3

    Wild Rat Litter

    Well what do you suggest I do to the rat pups? And it's not that we want them in our coop we just don't have the heart to kill them. We used to own pet rats so I guess we are quite soft and i myself along with half of our family are vegetarian/vegan :/
  9. brierose3

    Wild Rat Litter

    A few nights ago we discovered a litter of about 4 baby rats in our chicken coop as the mother was screeching quite loudly so we lifted a tile to find out what was making the noise. Last night our regular visitor a diamond python was lying across the tile and when it moved into the corner of the...
  10. brierose3

    Pullet food for 6 week old chicks?

    Our chicks are about 6 and a half week old and we have run out of chick starter feed. As it is christmas/new year time, the feedstore wont be open for about a week. We have a bag of pullet food but is it too early to feed them that?
  11. brierose3

    How long can an egg be left in the nest before its not edible

    We were planning on having chicks so left the eggs with the chickens for about a week until there was at least 21 eggs in the nest box though there is no sign of broodiness in the hens. So we took them out, fed a few of the dirty ones to the chickens and took the rest. Are they still good to eat...
  12. brierose3

    Do my hens have gapeworm? If so how do I treat it?

    We have had our hens for nearly a year now, two were given to us and two were rescued including our rooster. One of the light Sussex that was given to us has been stretching her neck and making a loud "TOCK" sound and shaking her head whenever she eats the layer mash, ever since we had her. I...
  13. brierose3

    Hen urinating and sudden lying on floor of coop instead of roost. HELP

    Took her to the vet today and she passed away while we were in the waiting room. RIP Loren
  14. brierose3

    Hen urinating and sudden lying on floor of coop instead of roost. HELP

    Thank you. I'm on the way to school now so I'll tell my parents.
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