Recent content by broomrider

  1. broomrider

    Broad Breasted Bronze

    Thanks so much! I didn't know these existed! I always package my chickens in freezer bags.
  2. broomrider

    Broad Breasted Bronze

    I'm not sure if this is the forum to ask this but since they are meat birds I though I would try. I was wondering what people use to package them in to put in the freezer?
  3. broomrider

    culling turkeys

    Is there a post on here describing how to cull a turkey? I have eight BBB ready to cull and I'm not sure how to go about it. I've done plenty of chickens and some wild turkeys. Of course the wild ones were shot and my husband skinned them. I don't want to skin these but not sure how to go...
  4. broomrider

    My chickens aren't laying as much eggs.

    I have the same problem. It's been really hot and humid here in Missouri. My hens turned two this spring. They were laying 6-8 eggs/day (10 hens). Now I'm lucky to get 3-4. I give them 18% protein feed, plenty of food and water. I did add some pullets to the coop but I have 8 boxes and...
  5. broomrider

    How do I clip the wings of my poults?

    They are BBB and right now the little fellas are flying everywhere. I don't have their run finished yet. They've been "free ranging" in the shed and out into the yard. It's too warm to close the door all day and they can fly over my barricade. They are barely 4 weeks old and too small to be...
  6. broomrider

    Turkey eggs

    Want to purchase fertile Narragansett or Standard Bronze turkey eggs.
  7. broomrider

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    My BBB poults arrived today. One was dead and one has splayed leg and curled toes. He's eating and drinking good. I taped his legs and feet. When he gets a little stronger, I'll give him a week of physical therapy. His name is Earl.
  8. broomrider

    ++++Anyone have a chicken with a really poopy butt???

    I had to give my New Hampshire Red a butt bath a couple of days ago. She didn't mind it at all. I think it's that way because she sleeps off of the roost. Either in a nesting box-ugh-or on the floor. I've put her on the roost I don't know how many times. She has runny poo a lot more than...
  9. broomrider


    This is a picture of some of the chicks I hatched. The hen was a red sexlink and the rooster was a barred rock. Most of the chicks have black stripes down their back. The others ones are solid yellow. The striped one in the picture is Peppy.I should of taken the picture after I cleaned their...
  10. broomrider


    13 chicks have hatched so far! I think that will be it. My three week old pullets are flying already! Darn chicks. I'm going to have to make my brooder pen walls higher.
  11. broomrider

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Memphis, us Missourians would like to know what happened to spring as well. Please send your 80 degree weather our way. No rain though. We have plenty.
  12. broomrider


    My chicks are hatching!!! Six so far. Neville, Peppy, Bernadette, Howie, Penny and Leonard! By the way, I didn't name them. My co-workers did...........
  13. broomrider


    My chicks are due to hatch tomorrow!I have 24 in the incubator but I've had a hard time regulating the humidity so I'm not expecting a very big hatch but I'm excited any way.
  14. broomrider


    I bought some Cornish Cross and a assortment of layers from Estes Hatchery. They are doing great. I had to separate the layers from the meat chickens yesterday due to the meat chickens being pigs. I'm also hatching some eggs a friend gave me. The hens are RS's and the rooster is a BR. They...
  15. broomrider

    A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

    Awwwe. The poults are so cute! I can't wait until we get our eggs and ours hatch. My chicks hatch on Friday. At least they are suppose to. I've had a hard time controlling the humidity. I'm hatching them at my work so the residents can watch them hatch and then I'll leave them in the...
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