^ Thats what I do for crooked toes, I don't use any cardboard though. Take a band aid and cut the absorbent pad out. Take one sticky side and place it on the bottom of the chicks foot. Straighten the toes as best as you can and then place the other sticky side on top. Seal the two pieces together, getting in between the toes to seal them in place. Trim the outside edges if necessary. Leave the shoe on for a few days, and when you take it off the toes should stay where you put it. I don't think a bent toe would hinder it much if you didn't fix it though (but I would) :)
Update on my Cackle chicks:
I lost 5 of them. Well, technically 2, 3 were extras they sent. I'm down a splash Cochin, Turken, Easter Egger and 2 that could be speckled Sussex, Welsummer or brown Leghorn (they all sort of look the same). I guess shipping was just too hard on them. The rest are doing very well though, growing like little weeds!
Band aids seem to be much less work than cardboard. I'll look for pics of it. Sounds interesting.
I have Silver Double Laced Bantam Barnevelders in the incubator and under a broody. They are due to hatch near the end of the month if all goes well. I also have a shipment of Black and Blue Double Laced Barnevelders and Swedish Flower Hens arriving in a week.
Update on my Cackle chicks:
I lost 5 of them. Well, technically 2, 3 were extras they sent. I'm down a splash Cochin, Turken, Easter Egger and 2 that could be speckled Sussex, Welsummer or brown Leghorn (they all sort of look the same). I guess shipping was just too hard on them. The rest are doing very well though, growing like little weeds!

Sorry for the loss. Hoping the remaining ones stay very healthy.

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