Recent content by Buck Oakes

  1. Buck Oakes

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    Okay so has anyone here incubated mandarin eggs? I just bought some hatching eggs and I was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips . I have mandarins but I didn’t get them as babies so they’re not really tame :/. But with the hatching eggs coming in I hope to get the babies to imprint and...
  2. Buck Oakes

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    @Nyla i think it depends on your ducks over all temperament. I had 1 boy and 2 girls at a time and they did fine :). Not sure how two males and a female would do though :/ but I think if you have all boys or all girls you’d be good :)
  3. Buck Oakes

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    goldfish may be to big if what I'm thinking you mean by a regular size goldfish
  4. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Therry I'm so sorry to hear about your babies :( I hope everything gets better for you
  5. Buck Oakes

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    I don't know if mandarins would but movement in the water would probably entice them a bit to try I don't know if they could get them down though since yeah the size would be a very important factor
  6. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Thickness is usually the problem, how hot is it there in texas right now? if temps are already in the 90s plus under a hen then they could have gotten to hot and well you know :(
  7. Buck Oakes

    Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

    i used chicken wire, the holes are super small and i used hardware cloth over that just for extra protection
  8. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    I promise they are
  9. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    So if I didn't move the days down then it would be like day 6
  10. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    When they first started moving it was day 8 then I put it down three days when I saw this, so it was five days 2 days ago. So right now it's day 3 and all have shown active behavior
  11. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    I can't hear them peep yet, but imma check when I get home, I candled them two days ago and they were moving in the egg but not the air cell and I guess they're just trying to position themselves
  12. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Don't think so, I can't ever tell if they internally pip
  13. Buck Oakes

    Wild Wood Ducks Nesting Over Cement Driveway?

    Well the leaves and grass might help but it's still concrete underneat so maybe around the day there gonna hatch you can put an air matrice below it, or if you do alooooottttt and like layer upon layer upon layer of leaves and grass or even hay then that could work, but also just be on the look...
  14. Buck Oakes

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Okay so if the eggs are moving but not peeping, and they haven't broken through yet should I still turn off the turner? Like whenever I talk to them, getting them used to my voice, they move and wobble
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