Recent content by Bullfam

  1. Bullfam

    Three Week Olds

    They were extras shipped by Murray McMurray. I didn't see Spitzhauben as a breed they sell or Easter Eggers.
  2. Bullfam

    Three Week Olds

    So these two birdies have some feathers and are about three weeks old. They are very sad losing the down and growing feathers. Any guesses on breed / sex. A friend of mine thought they could be turkeys and not chickens but I'm not so sure he is right. Two views of two chickens. Both have...
  3. Bullfam

    Review by '' on item 'Nutrena NatureWise Chick Starter/Grower'

    I bought this for my new chicks because they were out of the Dumor brand, I got it at Tractor Supply. I will NEVER buy it again. Every chick has gotten severe pasty vent/butt from it. I have to clean them every night. My first batch of chicks never had pasty vent on Dumor feed. My mom has...
  4. Nutrena NatureWise Chick Starter/Grower

    Nutrena NatureWise Chick Starter/Grower

  5. Bullfam

    Comment by 'Bullfam' in article 'Adding To Your Flock'

    Very interesting ideas. I have always heard you should add them at night. We currently have 6 Production Reds (hybrid egg layer from Tractor Supply) and they are 10 weeks old. We just got 16 more from our 4-H council and they are not even a week old but I think around 3 to 4 weeks we are going...
  6. Bullfam

    Sitting at work thinking about my chickens!

    Sitting at work thinking about my chickens!
  7. Bullfam

    Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

    Have you gone into account, and then clicked postings? *edit* I just noticed the three line menu icon is gone and you put edit/delete right on the post. Nice!
  8. Bullfam

    Unknown Breeds of two Chicks

    I wonder if that guy could be a Phoenix. It's the eye liner that makes me think so with the developing back pattern and browning of his down.
  9. Bullfam

    Unknown Breeds of two Chicks

    I found the edit button. It's an option under the menu. The three line icon on the left of your post near the bottom.
  10. Bullfam

    Announcement Welcome To The New BYC!

    I have to say I have read a lot about chickens the last few weeks. This site gets about 85-90% of my attention when I am looking stuff up. There are so many members and so many articles, posts, etc.. just filled with truly useful information. It is truly the best site for poultry / fowl related...
  11. Bullfam

    Unknown Breeds of two Chicks

    It has changed since we got it on Friday. It was literally just 3 little spots. It's been very interesting because it is very spunky. Very active, very loud, and very fast.
  12. Bullfam

    Unknown Breeds of two Chicks

    This one is the Easter egger?
  13. Bullfam

    Unknown Breeds of two Chicks

    Here is the yellow spotted one again 2 pics
  14. Bullfam

    Unknown Breeds of two Chicks

    No nothing special just the spots
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