Recent content by callen0912

  1. callen0912

    Feed inside the coop or outside?

    I'm just making my girls some oatmeal for the morning. Our weather is crazy unpredictable and we haven't had a really cold morning until now. So, I thought I'd get a little more precise if you want to give your girls oatmeal. My two handfuls equaled out to a heaping 2/3 cup of oatmeal. And...
  2. callen0912

    Growing sprouts from scratch grains?

    This was my thought as well about the corn. I figured I would just pick it out for trying to grow sprouts.
  3. callen0912

    Growing sprouts from scratch grains?

    This is the link to the product I bought if it helps.
  4. callen0912

    Feed inside the coop or outside?

    I only have 3 girls currently. I do about two handfuls of oatmeal (I buy the old fashioned 100% oats, just plain ole' oatmeal) and cook it in the microwave, then put it the fridge for a little while so it's warm but not hot, hot. And I only do that on mornings it's cold, like in the 30's cold.
  5. callen0912

    Growing sprouts from scratch grains?

    When buying feed today, I picked up a bag of premium grain scratch for my girls. They were totally free range up until about a week ago. Dogs roaming in our area has become more and more of a problem, and it led to me getting down to only one of my beloved girls in a short period of time. So I...
  6. callen0912

    Feed inside the coop or outside?

    I keep food and water in the coop (I have a 4x6 coop as well) and I keep food, grit, egg shells, and water outside in their pen as well. I keep the coop open so they can come and go as they please. And on days it supposed to rain, I will take all their food bowls to put under my carport the...
  7. callen0912

    Cucko maran name help?

    Lillian... I really like that one! A lot! That may be it!
  8. callen0912

    Cucko maran name help?

    I recently got 2 cucko maran hens and am stuck on names. One I've named Lacy. The other I'm drawing a blank with. Anyone wanna throw out some suggestions for me? The other hen I have is an RIR I've raised from a chick named Penny.
  9. callen0912

    Brooding chicks outside?

    I remember reading an article (I think was here actually) about raising chicks outside, even in the middle of winter. I'm considering getting chicks again, and I think they should be fine for me to raise outside right now, high's during the day is mid 80's and generally low's are mid to high...
  10. callen0912

    Oxytetracycline safety for egg laying hens

    I'm curious about this as well as I'm giving this to my girls for respiratory issues. I found on another thread here 3 weeks. Curious to see what others say as I didn't see an egg withdrawal period on the back of the package.
  11. callen0912

    My Local TSC Selling Sick (MG) Chicks

    I did a post last week naming of those symptoms and someone said that's what came to mind, but upon googling I'm not totally sure. None of my birds have the swelling associated with MG. Just the "cold" (I am aware chickens don't get colds, I just feel like it's the best way to describe it)...
  12. callen0912

    My Local TSC Selling Sick (MG) Chicks

    Their all different, but it's mainly some sound congested, some are sneezing/coughing, and some have nasal discharge (clear and no odor).
  13. callen0912

    Help with Oxytetracycline Dosing.

    It's all by mg on the package. I did a search on here and that answered my question. Thanks!
  14. callen0912

    Help with Oxytetracycline Dosing.

    My chickens are having respiratory issues, so I went to my local feed store and this is what they recommended I use as well as being recommended here on another post. The dosing info on the back only gives dosing info for 2 gallons, and I only have a gallon waterer, so what dosage should I use...
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