Recent content by Cetacea

  1. Cetacea

    What size leg bands for a silkie chick to a silkie adult?

    I wanted to put bands on my chicks and wanted to know what sizes I need to order. What size do they start with and what do they end with? Thanks. Susan
  2. Cetacea

    New chicks knocking other eggs around, is this a problem?

    I have some of that stuff. Sounds like a pretty decent idea. Thanks.
  3. Cetacea

    New chicks knocking other eggs around, is this a problem?

    I noticed with the few chicks that I had hatch that they are rather clumsy when they hatch and kept stumbling into the other eggs rolling them around. I can't imagine this is good for the eggs, but is it really bad? Is there something I can do for the next batch to help that? Any sort of...
  4. Cetacea

    Day 20, I see a pip and hear a cheeping!

    I'm not al that happy with the results from this breeder. Out of 24 eggs (2 cracked so 22) having only 3 hatch isn't that great. Granted some of that was probably the incubator and the whole shipping process. But what really doesn't please me is their feet. One of them has 6 toes, one has...
  5. Cetacea

    Day 20, I see a pip and hear a cheeping!

    Well, two more hatched on day 21, but now it is day 22 and the other 4 haven't even pipped. I am still hoping, but I feel like it's hopeless.
  6. Cetacea

    Day 20, I see a pip and hear a cheeping!

    Well, my one egg has hatched out a cutie little blue silkie, and now there is one more pipped. I am going to name her Chicory.
  7. Cetacea

    Day 20, I see a pip and hear a cheeping!

    It's day 20 and my 7 silkie eggs are soon due to hatch. One of them has pipped and another keeps rocking, and I hear a little cheeping! I hope they all hatch. I couldn't get the humidity above 70%, but I think it shuold be ok right?
  8. Cetacea

    Chickens with quail?

    Well, it would be silkie chickens and maybe Mountain quail or California quail.
  9. Cetacea

    Chickens with quail?

    I was just wondering if quail and chickens can live together. Would they all get along ok?
  10. Cetacea


    How do you attach them so that they spin? I've seen some wheels like off a boat trailer, but they are like the kind you find on a car, and I don't know what you need to make it so it would spin.
  11. Cetacea


    Those are good ideas. I live in a rather rural area so don't have that many options.
  12. Cetacea


    I am building my coop and thought that if I could put wheels on it it would make it a lot easier to move. It's a 4' x 4' x 4' thing and rather heavy. Anyone know where I can get wheels from? I don't want to spend like $100 on wheels so if you can think of something I can do let me know. Thanks.
  13. Cetacea

    Organic feed, where do you get it?

    I wanted to buy some good organic chicken feed, and I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion of where to get it, or has a recipe to make it. Thanks.
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