Recent content by chicken_crazy93

  1. chicken_crazy93

    my poor hens are sooo hot... help with tips to keep them cool..

    It's between 90-98 degrees here & i've found that frozen peas are helpin cool my birds down durin the day. I go to each breed pen & throw a handfull in around 2:00pm daily. I've noticed they aint holdin their wings out as much now. I'm also goin this week & get one of those Kiddee pools. My...
  2. chicken_crazy93

    Lookin for SLW & Dominique hatchin eggs

    Thank you so much chseeads!! I got the eggs yesterday & you did a wonderful job on packing & shipping, not one egg was hurt! I'm marking you down as one of my favorite sellers. Thank you again, Ted. Quote: Great, whats the cost on 10 shipped to 37806 Mascot, Tn.?
  3. chicken_crazy93

    Lookin for SLW & Dominique hatchin eggs

    Quote: I'm sorry about the GLW, lol. I just talked to someone about them & still had them on my mind. Whats the cost for 10 SLW fertile eggs shipped to 37806 Mascot, Tn.?
  4. chicken_crazy93

    Lookin for SLW & Dominique hatchin eggs

    Quote: Great, whats the cost on 10 shipped to 37806 Mascot, Tn.?
  5. chicken_crazy93

    Wyandotte Chicks...Any guess on Gender?

    I think #1 & #2 are cockerals & #3 is a pullet
  6. chicken_crazy93

    Lookin for SLW & Dominique hatchin eggs

    Ok thats great. What would 6-SLW & 6-GLW fertile eggs cost me shipped to 37806? Thank you, Ted. Quote:
  7. chicken_crazy93

    Lookin for SLW & Dominique hatchin eggs

    Hello, i'm lookin to buy 6+ Dominique & 6+ SLW fertile eggs. Please let me know if you have one or the other or both breeds. Thank you
  8. chicken_crazy93

    14 Week EE (lots of pics)

    I have a girl that looks just like yours & I say pullet.
  9. chicken_crazy93

    Cutest dog contest!

    Her name is Sugar. She's 8mnths. old now & just the smartest dog. Quote: she's two handfuls of cute. what's her name? it's between her and Koda for me
  10. chicken_crazy93

    Cutest dog contest!

    Here is my deaf Blue Heeler when she was 8wks. old. I vote for post #22.
  11. chicken_crazy93

    What kind of dog do you have?

    Here is my deaf Blue Heeler. It has been a real challenge trainin her. I bought a Sportdog training collar when she was 6mnths. old & it has worked great. She knows a few hand signs & as long as she can see me she obeys. The collar has a nick button I use to get her to either look at me or come...
  12. chicken_crazy93

    What kind of dog do you have?

    Tater is soooo very pretty. Quote:
  13. chicken_crazy93

    What kind of dog do you have?

    Beautiful Dog!!! Quote:
  14. chicken_crazy93

    Thread for those HATCHERS that are starting there count down!

    I put a mix of my eggs, 9-EE, 13-Light Brahmas, 18-Jap.Bantys in the bator Sunday & I posted the progress on my others on your first thread. Good luck on this time around & I'm very sorry for your loss on the first thread.
  15. chicken_crazy93

    5 more days! TELL ME IF YOUR IN?

    I was wrong, I went into lockdown mode Sunday & out of 33 eggs I have 8 pips as of now & this is day 20. Quote:
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