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  • Hi Bella!! Love your profile pic!! So much detail and color!! Mine is not a painting...a friend of mine here on BYC has an app that turns pictures into textured things that look like water color and paintings. I LOVE what she has done with a few of my pics! I will cycle them onto my profile occasionally. Take your time with the usual I am so busy anymore, I don't know if I am coming or going!! :) Hope you are doing well up there and enjoying fall!! *HUGS* :)
    Hey Bella!
    I'm doing well (though very busy with school) and so is my flock. I'm finally starting to get some eggs from my girls now that they are (mostly) done molting.
    Congrats on the new hen! That's exciting. Sorry to hear you couldn't save the other two. :(
    Have a great week!
    Haha, that's funny. My dogs will look away from the camera as if they're guilty of something. They've committed a crime, they don't want their faces posted on social media.

    Hair and hands for me aren't too bad, but I can never get the nose right! That's why anime is sometimes my friend, LOL.
    I have a parakeet that's like that. When he sees me get my phone out it's like he purposely makes every picture of himself terrible.

    Yeah, I drew it. Well, it's not original, I saw a picture like it on the internet and decided I'd redraw it.
    Your profile picture is really cute. I can never get my chickens to hold still, LOL.
    Thank you! I got her as a chick from someone else, because she was crippled. We managed to fix her leg and now she's walking around like a pro.
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