Recent content by Chickenfeathers000

  1. C

    Why Won't My Hen Lay Any Eggs?

    She has been in a pen for a while, and no eggs anywhere.
  2. C

    Why Won't My Hen Lay Any Eggs?

    I have a speckled sussex, too, and my russian orloff has less white, redder feathers, yellow legs and a shorter comb. They aren't that similar. Also, I have pictures somewhere... I look into trying to get one.
  3. C

    What color is this EE mix rooster?

    If the second one is the mother, I would say, based off color, that the father would be the second rooster. Just guessing, though.
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    Why Won't My Hen Lay Any Eggs?

    I have a problem. I'm trying to get eggs from certain hens to hatch for a project, and this hen in particular won't lay. The only other chicken that I have that doesn't lay is an almost-8 hen who's never laid. The hen that I'm trying to get to lay is called Clementine, and she's a Russian Orloff...
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    We have a month-old White Chinese Goose that is the first goose we ever got, and she lives with 12 chicks that are the same age as her. The goose is already as big of bigger than your average hen and has grown strong, healthy relationships with the chicks. She even is defending her playmates...
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    Actually, if you put the goose with other geese too, they might gang up, and also, the goose becomes friends with the chicks.
  7. C

    Many Eye Colors In Eight-Chicken Flock and their chicks

    I’m surprised about how many eye colors are in my eight-chicken flock and my chicks. Three chickens, including two EEs, and a Barnevelder, four chickens, including my rooster, have that common orange eye color, and the rooster’s sister has chocolate - dark copper eyes, and, one of my crosses at...
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    Tinamou X Domesticated Chicken = Possible?

    Is breeding a domesticated chicken and a Chilean Tinamou possible? Also, if the mix is possible, will the offspring still produce purple eggs if the chicken has a certain color egg? Also, can Tinamous live in a flock of free-ranged chickens with no fence, and are they more vulnerable to...
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    Weird eye colors

    Then what is the most greenish eyes-looking breed?
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    Weird eye colors

    Thank you! P.S. Do you know of a green-eyed breed?
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    Weird eye colors

    I have a month old chick with green eyes, but his parents’ eyes are that darkish-orange color that appears in quite a few chickens. Why is this?
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    Sweetest Breed

    I’m making this new post so that people can come to it and post sweet breeds, and who knows, it might inspire other owners to get a new breed of chicken! But please do not post “No, that breed is not sweet” or something like that to someone else’s post. Thank you! Here are breeds I think are...
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    Thank goodness. :)
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    Almost 9 weeks.
  15. C


    I’m not sure which pic you meant, so I showed a clearer one of both.
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