Recent content by chickenista

  1. chickenista

    Crazy 24 hour auction thread

    Life support for the thread... You may choose from the following and any mix in between.. Black Langshans.. not show because of iridescent gold in the roos but stunning and calm and gentle. Americaunas.. excellent layers of blue eggs of great size Granny's Old...
  2. chickenista

    Offering Professional Graphic Design for Farm Logos $40 (Logos Added)

    The logos for The Hennery and The Gardens of The Hennery are mine!! I am so very pleased with the work she did for me. She was professional, yet personable. Very thorough and great at interpretting what you mean and/or need. She was quick and gave me several options to choose from. I had a...
  3. chickenista

    anyone want to trade? Pheasant eggs Pics added

    I had a big, long post... Must resist pheasants. Cannot have pheasants. I have room for pheasants, though. I bet I could get a market for pheasant... arrrggghhhhhhh. Never mind. I am talking myself back into pheasants as I sit here. I am leaving now.
  4. chickenista

    For Sale~ Australian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees Pups..Upstate SC

    I... live... right... up.. gasp.. the ..road! Must resist puppies. Must resist puppies. I have the old dog and my Aussie mix blue merle girl who will never weigh more than 25# Wanted.. a to watch flock and lambs...gasping Divorce... imminent if I ... bring home another dog... could...
  5. chickenista

    Free Fertile Hatching eggs, Tx. Votes are in, The winer is????

    Congrats Pancake!!! Now you have new ggs to sit!!!!
  6. chickenista

    Free Fertile Hatching eggs, Tx. Votes are in, The winer is????

    Don't roosters make the best mammas!! My oldest Silkie roo..Poppa Ppffootie.. takes great care of any chicks I put in with him. He is a bit of a control freak.. slightly Napoleonic.. and having a brood of chicks that hang on his every word is good for his oversized ego!! Your roo is doing a...
  7. chickenista

    Free Fertile Hatching eggs, Tx. Votes are in, The winer is????

    Ummmmm..soooooo??? How's the voting going? Just so you know.. there is a mom out in the world just twitchy with excitement about the thought of Marans and Welsummers.... Whoever said anticipation was sweet was obviously not waiting to see if they won eggs...
  8. chickenista

    Free Fertile Hatching eggs, Tx. Votes are in, The winer is????

    This is Shade..or at least her face. She has had enough of me photographing her hatch. She stuck her face tight into mine. And this is my Mother and Daughter setting team! The daughter started on the other side of the room and rolled her eggs to set next to her mother ..awwwww. And thank...
  9. chickenista

    Chicks possibly wanted

    Dogs and cats are very nice, but chickens lay eggs You know that no one here is gonna talk you out of chickens. Let us know what you decide to do...
  10. chickenista

    Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

    Hey Napa... I am sure your roo was nice, but I was too busy staring, oggling, drooling over your beautiful chicken house!!!
  11. chickenista

    Following Jody's Lead - Free Barnevelder eggs - We have a winner.

    Whew! The first number into my head is still open.. 158!! I hope it is me.. Barnevelders are hard to come by for me... thank you so much for the chance of getting some.
  12. chickenista

    Chicks for sale NC

    That's good to know.. funny thing is I keep hatching little Polish out of eggs around here!? I have hatched two... Either someone somewhere is hiding Polish genes in my freaky mix flock or the Polish roos were making nice with some of my ladies I cannot escape the Polish! I am glad they are...
  13. chickenista

    Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

    I'll play along.. This is Saddleback- my Black Langshan roo. He is a great asset to the farm and I can work him like a farm dog. He knows which flock is supposed to be in what pen when and he moves his girls accordingly. He stands guard at the nursery end of the barn and chases any other bird...
  14. chickenista

    Chicks for sale NC

    Hi. Help me. I am drowning in chicks with more hatching. DH won't stop stocking the incubator. Straight run or farmer's guess. $3 price goes up as they age. Ameracaunas Black Langshan Old Fashioned Red Layers Old Fashioned White Layers and a mix of Langshan roo, Ameracaunas roo, and various and...
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