Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

sequin -

your EE roo is a beautiful color! Wow, I wish I had one that color! It looks like some blue and some red on him? Very cool. Please post pics of him on here as he gets older so we can see how he develops!
I loved my RIR rooster, but we had to give him away. he has his own flock of girls now. Rose the RIR. he talks to you and will let you hold him. he also used to follow us around like a dog. (hence my avatar!) but my rooster Rusty hated him and would beat him up and sometimes chase him across the road.



I'll play along..
This is Saddleback- my Black Langshan roo.
He is a great asset to the farm and I can work him like a farm dog.
He knows which flock is supposed to be in what pen when and he moves his girls accordingly. He stands guard at the nursery end of the barn and chases any other bird away from where the broodies are working. He saw me do it twice and then took over the job.
He is gentle. Will not fight (nor will his sons) Feeds treats to me and grooms my hair. I love Old Saddleback..


DH moved him to another pen several days ago and went to look in on him the next morning. He couldn't see him.
Then he realized that the girls were so crowded around him as to hide him from site.. he is a real favorite with the ladies
I currently have 4 roosters here are their names and pictures:

This is Chipmunk who is the alpha roo in the flock

This is Romeo who is in with the flock

These two are going to be butchered their names are "Diner" and "I want to kill you" and they are separated from the flock
here are my 2 roosters - they are both about 10months old, got them both with a shipment of guineas last july. the first one is named chicken hawk, the red one is twister. The thrid pic is one of both of them... they stick together most of the days (not sure if my hens like, but for now thats how it is



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