Recent content by chickenmomma2

  1. chickenmomma2

    BEWARE who you hire to watch your flock & your other animals

    Hi! Just wanted to give a heads up on who you hire to take care of your flock. I made the mistake of hiring a family friend to take care of the flock and feed my cats. Long story short...the chickens got out of the run. One of my cats is currently in the hospital close to death because this...
  2. chickenmomma2

    Buff Comb Ripped Completely off

    My Buffs comb was ripped completely off 9 days ago. Something got into the coop during a terrible storm and killed one, injured 2. Her wound has healed and I put her back in the coop last night. The hens started picking on her. How long before I can put her back in the run and she'll be safe...
  3. chickenmomma2

    Henrico County VA is a predator to my chickens

    I began raising chickens November, 2011. I have 36 chickens on 1.107 acres of agriculturally zoned land that began as the Elko Poultry Farm and Hatchery. In April, 2016, Henrico county began their attack on my chickens telling me I didn't meet setback for horses on residentially zoned...
  4. chickenmomma2

    Is this bumblefoot on my Rooster? What do I do? Has swollen toe.

    These are the pictures of his foot pad and his swollen metatarsus. Please, any suggestions? He is walking fine. Not limping. But I don't want him to have an infection. He is my favorite. He is 3 years and 3 months old.
  5. chickenmomma2

    Is this bumblefoot on my Rooster? What do I do? Has swollen toe.

    I noticed tonight that one of my roos has a swollen accessory metatarus on one leg. Any suggestions how to treat?
  6. chickenmomma2

    4 or 5 Hens being aggressive to other hens - Pulling feathers & pecking

    The chickens get layer breeder and can free eat as they please. I have a 5 gallon bucket that is a continuous feed. I also throw out feed in the morning when I open the coops and in the evening before they go to bed. They also free range everyday starting around 7 a.m. and then go into the...
  7. chickenmomma2

    4 or 5 Hens being aggressive to other hens - Pulling feathers & pecking

    The chickens get layer breeder and can free eat as they please. I have a 5 gallon bucket that is a continuous feed. I also throw out feed in the morning when I open the coops and in the evening before they go to bed. They also free range everyday starting around 7 a.m. and then go into the...
  8. chickenmomma2

    4 or 5 Hens being aggressive to other hens - Pulling feathers & pecking

    The chickens get layer breeder and can free eat as they please. I have a 5 gallon bucket that is a continuous feed. I also throw out feed in the morning when I open the coops and in the evening before they go to bed. They also free range everyday starting around 7 a.m. and then go into the...
  9. chickenmomma2

    4 or 5 Hens being aggressive to other hens - Pulling feathers & pecking

    I have 52 chickens; 7 roos and the rest hens. They have been together for the past 3 years and had been getting along fine. For the past month or so 4 or 5 of the hens have been picking on each other and the other hens; pulling out feathers, pecking their backs until bleeding, chasing hens...
  10. chickenmomma2

    2 Roos Were Buddies Now Fight Constantly

    Thanks. Elvis, the one in the bachelor run, is too obnoxious to let near the hens. They get stressed when he is around. So, looks like he will live in the bachelor run and Fred will get the opportunity to free range if he can tear himself away from Elvis.
  11. chickenmomma2

    2 Roos Were Buddies Now Fight Constantly

    I have 2 roos hatched at the same time about 5-6 months ago. They are both very obnoxious to the hens so they have been segregated from the rest of the chickens in a "bachelor run/coop". They have been living together fine for the past three months. But, 3 days ago they started fighting. (It...
  12. chickenmomma2

    Cookie Tin water heater

    I just made this poultry water warmer today. Found the instructions on line. Total cost $3.03. I went to a thrift store and purchased a lamp for $1.50, paid $1.00 for the cookie tin and the 40 watt bulb was around 39 cents. If I need to increase the heat I can switch out the light bulb to a...
  13. chickenmomma2

    How to keep people away from our chickens?!

    I too have problems with people chasing and photographing my chickesn when I'm not outside with them or at home...and I live in a rural area. When I am home I am not very friendly when I confront them. I then advise them that they are stressing my chickens and that affects their egg laying. I...
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