Recent content by ChicksN Coffee

  1. ChicksN Coffee

    The cool chicken chat thread!

    Hi there! I'm glad to hear your happy today! :thumbsup
  2. ChicksN Coffee

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    No kidding Giannini! She flew up to the limb of the neighbors tree about 12 feet up! so impressive. Our other girls ( production reds) do not even come close... Love our girls!
  3. ChicksN Coffee

    Wild bird seed for chickens

    Of course only as a treat. They rush to the bag as soon as they hear it. Just like the meal worms. Lol
  4. ChicksN Coffee

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    My white leghorn did look small at 14 weeks, she looked like yours do. She did not lady her first egg until she was between 20 & 21 weeks. Be patient it's worth every minute!
  5. ChicksN Coffee

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Congratulations very nice
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