Recent content by Corbin_Dallas

  1. C

    cut inner eyelid?

    Any ideas on treatment or cause? Do I need to isolate? Thanks!
  2. C

    Still getting frostbite - roosting boxes or something else

    I've been running chickens in a mobile coop (think small scale Primal Farms style, see my other posts) and have been quite happy with the results - until now. I'm seeing signs of frostbite on my rooster's comb. With the sides rolled down, the coop is draft free and well ventilated, however...
  3. C

    White ear lobes - just color bleed or fungal

    Really? Any particular reason or other traits that come along with it? This cockerel started off very curious and friendly, fell behind growth/dominance wise to the guy attached (we dubbed him Golden Eye as his eyes changed early). White ears has since regained parity in size but has become a...
  4. C

    White ear lobes - just color bleed or fungal

    Thanks for the quick responses! So close to the finish line with these guys. I just did a quick cleanup with antiseptic spray on some q-tips; I seem to remember reading somewhere blukote was a no-go close to processing. The picture is a bit deceiving, its actually a pretty gnarly cut but...
  5. C

    Speckled and Red roos mixed?

    Agreed. All the extra cockerels are heading to butcher in two days. I had to segregate out all the other Lorp cockerels last week and the Welsummers a few days ago.
  6. C

    White ear lobes - just color bleed or fungal

    Noticed white patches on both ear lobes. Pulled him out of the coop for inspection and discovered the likely source of blood spatter this morning - deep laceration bottom of ear lobe (dark spot /clot very bottom). At least that mystery is solved. Heading to butcher in a few days.
  7. C

    Speckled and Red roos mixed?

    Welsummers! I shoulda asked earlier. Pics are out of order a bit but pic 1&3 are the same bird that is also the odd ball in the sand box with the Welsummers Makes me wonder if our 'lorps are actually 'lorps.
  8. C

    Speckled and Red roos mixed?

    Ya, I attached them without sizing them down first so there was a delay
  9. C

    Speckled and Red roos mixed?

    Ordered 5 male and 5 female Speckled Sussex from Hoovers. I think the 5 boys look like Reds not Speckled and 4 girls look like Speckled but this 5th bird... Starting to think SHE is a HE. Developing spurs, prominent tail/comb/waddle and started crowing this morning. Am I correct?
  10. C

    Mobile coop year round

    Thank you for replies. The biggest issues I've been able to brainstorm is wet ground = wet feet and potential frostbite overnight wind driven snow entering the stock ventilation windows Are elevated roosting bars enough or will they need a snuggle boxes /rug? Any behavior I should watch for...
  11. C

    Mobile coop year round

    Does anyone have experience running mobile hoop houses year round? It seems most people park them for the winter but I've not found a compelling reason to do so in my case. I'm in central Ohio so no extended deep freezes I have cold hardy breeds so I shouldn't need any type of external...
  12. C

    Advice Please....Decided Against the Omlet and Want to Build a Coop for 50 Chickens

    Perhaps that is my fault mixing terms. I was using 'tractor' as any type of moving coop; it seems 'tractor' better describes a low roof Salatin/Suscovich/hoop enclosure for meat birds and 'mobile coop' more aptly describes a larger mobile high tunnel based structures like those used by...
  13. C

    Advice Please....Decided Against the Omlet and Want to Build a Coop for 50 Chickens

    Can anyone add daily moved tractor recommendations (both broiler and layers) to this list? As best I can figure from 'youtube pros' it ranges from 3-4sq ft / bird. My tractor is currently at 8sq ft/bird and not sure I'd want much more density then that.
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