Recent content by cornerstoneacres

  1. cornerstoneacres

    Muscovy Duckling colors

    Since I found this thread doing a search for Muscovy duck colors I just thought I would add something about the yellow ducklings. Not all yellow ducklings will be white. We end up with a lot of creams in our hatches that start out as solid yellow ducklings.
  2. cornerstoneacres

    Anybody care to guess color and/or gender? Muscovies!

    Two of our hens hatched these out in June and they are starting to feather out. Wondering if anybody has thoughts on what colors we might have here? I did see a thread about sexing them. When I took these pictures I didn't get any leg shots but I guess I'll have to look tomorrow and see if I...
  3. cornerstoneacres

    Mixing very young chicks

    I have an order arriving from McMurray in about 12 days. Of course TSC has their babies. Can I buy a few TSC chicks now and then add the mailorder chicks to the same brooder when they arrive? (or I could perhaps seperate them for a day or two, but not sure I have current facilities to...
  4. cornerstoneacres

    Want to breed chickens - oops this may be in the wrong section.

    I have day old chicks coming from McMurray hatchery in two weeks. I bought partridge rocks, barred rocks, turkens (just for fun) and light brahmans. I got these as the catalog did note them as good dual purpose breeds as well as more likely to "go broody". My chickens are free range. I...
  5. cornerstoneacres

    New from Michigan

    I've had backyard layers for 8-9 years now. I love my chickens and their eggs. Last spring I got some straight run chickens and last fall I got some yummy free range chicken meat. I have ordered chickens from McMurray hatchery - coming in two weeks. I picked some that are supposed to be...
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