Mixing very young chicks


8 Years
Mar 8, 2011
I have an order arriving from McMurray in about 12 days. Of course TSC has their babies. Can I buy a few TSC chicks now and then add the mailorder chicks to the same brooder when they arrive? (or I could perhaps seperate them for a day or two, but not sure I have current facilities to seperate longer)
IF I put them together, what should I watch for?
They need to be within 2 or 3 days of the same hatch date or you will have pecking/ bullying issues.
This concerns me also. I am scheduled to pick up my 6 black australorp chicks next Tues. from Cackle. I am getting sooo impatient, I think I will go there today and see what they have "on the floor" and get 6 to go ahead and start, surely that little amount of time between hatches will not make that much difference, right???

Or will it?

First timer here.

So ready for drier weather and warmer temps.

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