Recent content by CorvusTristis18

  1. C

    Chick Grit (photo request)

    Hey, So I posted before about being unable to purchase any chick grit here. Still cant find any but preparing to let the little ducklings (two weeks old) out to forage in the garden. I don't have any sand out there (I know there is a risk of causing serious issues such as compaction) and...
  2. C

    B Vitamin Dosage For Treating Wry Neck

    No of course! They all get the Grani-Mix. I just mean they are free to roam outside and eat fresh produce from the garden and all of the pests in our vegetable patch. It's pellets with added crushed corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, sunflower seed, peeled oats, buckwheat, broken peas and molasses...
  3. C

    Suitable Grit For Ducklings?

    Some 2 weeks on Wednesday others on Friday :) Honestly looked everywhere, even the mightly Amazon cannot send me chick grit. I'll just have to wait until the weather's better and let them forage their own. The adult grit does indeed have oyster shells and of course it's very chunky. I'll keep...
  4. C

    Suitable Grit For Ducklings?

    What I have for adult ducks in winter
  5. C

    Suitable Grit For Ducklings?

    From the pet shop
  6. C

    Suitable Grit For Ducklings?

    The weather looks cold for a few more weeks and I wanted to get my ducklings out foraging. I have grown them alfalfa, kale, brocolli etc etc microgreens but of course they will need grit to have this. I saw this in a pet shop (there's no chick grit, only the adult sized which I will also post. I...
  7. C

    B Vitamin Dosage For Treating Wry Neck

    Aw thank you so much, researching it here now at work so I can start when I get home. It's so so frustrating that I cannot buy dedicated duck food and trying to view labels for purchasing alternatives online has been impossible. Here I can only buy Hobby First Grani Mix which looks suitable...
  8. C

    B Vitamin Dosage For Treating Wry Neck

    It’s a little weird, it says 10ml/100st which means pieces so translates to 100 hens really. I want to check the dosage because 10ml for 100 animals seems really low, but the /100st is confusing. I’ll know better if I can compare to another brand like the one you say requires 1ml.
  9. C

    B Vitamin Dosage For Treating Wry Neck

    It’s in the picture, not sure how it compares per litre for the various b vitamins. I can look at the contents of the one you mention and compare and see if it’s close.
  10. C

    B Vitamin Dosage For Treating Wry Neck

    I posted yesterday about a mild case of wry neck in my 1 week old duckling (only one suffering out of 13 ducklings). I bought the vitamin e and selenium mixture and a b vitamin complex. I can see that 180mg of vitamin E should be given daily, but does anyone have a reliable source for the B...
  11. C

    Twisted neck?

    These are what I can actually get if I drive to multiple towns tomorrow
  12. C

    Twisted neck?

    Had a reply from the store in the next main town, I can drive there for one of these and then drive to the next town over for the other one :barnie They look comparable and mention dosage for hens. Ill double check what they will need and think I will try to separate the little one to ensure...
  13. C

    Twisted neck?

    I can’t buy the liquid b here, it would take weeks to arrive. There’s nothing that you need here it infuriates me. I’m going to make scrambled eggs today, add nutritional yeast and if I can’t find the liquid vitamin E capsules, I’ll add crushed sunflower seeds until the shops are open tomorrow...
  14. C

    Twisted neck?

    Ducklings (runner ducks, possibly not pure bred) are 1 week old and today I noticed one seems to have their neck off centre and to the side of their body, not drooping, more like their neck is twisted. Same diet as all the birds with added nutritional yeast. No accidents that I noticed. Can...
  15. C

    Duckling Colours

    Yeah it's tough since they're rescues with no background info. They look a lot like runners, but seem less upright at times which makes me suspect some mix in there.
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