Recent content by Curlyginger

  1. Curlyginger

    Stumped by Lavender Orpington

    Well, she started laying yesterday! She was also crowing this morning, so I guess she’s just a crowing hen!
  2. Curlyginger

    Stumped by Lavender Orpington

    Definitely a crow. Doesn’t sound a thing like the egg song or the alarm call. Enough of a crow that I’m concerned my neighbors are going to complain to the town (roosters are banned).
  3. Curlyginger

    Stumped by Lavender Orpington

    Hopefully she’ll start laying soon and prove us all right.
  4. Curlyginger

    Stumped by Lavender Orpington

    I really wish she’d stop crowing then.
  5. Curlyginger

    Stumped by Lavender Orpington

    Hello! Back in March I received three 6 week old pullets, including a lavender orpington. They are are now about 22 weeks old, and two of the three are laying, except for the lavender orpington (named Violet). Now, I know it’s still early and that orpingtons can lay a bit later. However, I’m a...
  6. Curlyginger

    6 weeks olds outside with brooder plate in cold weather

    Hello, It’s not my first time raising chickens, but it’s been awhile. I brought home 3 six week old pullets today. They appear to be fully feathered. It was in the 40s today and it’s supposed to be down in the 20s tonight. I have them in a small grow out coop with a brooder plate in it. For...
  7. Curlyginger

    Winter molt and -15 degree weather

    She’s a black sex link, but does not have a single comb. More like a rose comb, single comb cross.
  8. Curlyginger

    Winter molt and -15 degree weather

    Hello - I’ve been keeping chickens for about 4 years now, so am still somewhat of a novice. I have a hen who is just now molting (all the rest are done). I live in New England. I have never heated my coop (I do use one of those “pie tin” water heaters, though). BUT - Saturday night is going to...
  9. Curlyginger

    Super loud hen!

    I have 5 hens and one of them does this almost every day. I get up and let them into the run at 6 am. About 15 minutes later, she starts hollering her head off. I know it's because she wants to free range in the yard, but they never get to until at least 7 am. She sounds like a wild monkey. It...
  10. Curlyginger

    What do you have in your flock?

    We started last year and have: Barred rock Black sex link Easter egger 2 buff orpingtons I'd really love to add some more, but am maxed out on coop space. That's probably a good thing, as I'd have 20 if I could and I have a small suburban yard.
  11. Curlyginger

    What do you like about your coop/run? What are some things you would change

    I would make mine larger, with external nesting boxes, and a removable panel on the "people" door to allow more ventilation in the warmer months (opening covered with hardware cloth, of course. Also, a true luxury, I would have an automatic chicken door. I love my run (an old wooden swingset)...
  12. Curlyginger

    Permethrin in run?

    Today was chicken coop cleanout day and, it being Mother's Day, I asked my husband to do it for me. I also asked him to dust the coop with permethrin, as one of our hens has a mite problem (we've dusted all the hens several times, as well). Well, he did, but he also dusted the entire outdoor...
  13. Curlyginger

    What Type of Safeguard dewormer?

    That is what the vet told me. I'm concerned about the cocci, but he vet seemed to think it was a rabbit or goose parasite, so I'm not panicking yet. I have a stock of corid, so I'm ready if need be. Thank you for your help!
  14. Curlyginger

    What Type of Safeguard dewormer?

    Eimeria (coccidiosis - keeping an eye on that. No symptoms in the hens right now) and heterakis (roundworm). The vet called me because she was confused, as neither of them are dog parasites. As long as the dog doesn't have diarrhea, there is no reason to be concerned for her, according to the...
  15. Curlyginger

    What Type of Safeguard dewormer?

    Thank you! I'll probably redose in 10 days. I found out that they have roundworms because it showed up in my dog's fecal test. She eats chicken poop like it is her job. The vet said that they can't hurt the dog, though.
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