Recent content by DowntonDucks

  1. DowntonDucks

    Mystery: Five ducks hens, no drake....still getting fertile eggs?

    Thank you! They sure are a lot of entertainment daily!
  2. DowntonDucks

    Mystery: Five ducks hens, no drake....still getting fertile eggs?

    Oh, thank you, Buck Oakes, for that clarification! Love learning new things about my ducks! So are you saying that if they become male in appearance that they will no longer lay any eggs?
  3. DowntonDucks

    Mystery: Five ducks hens, no drake....still getting fertile eggs?

    You know what, you confirmed my internet research this afternoon! I was seeing the white spot on the yolk and thinking it was fertile-- especially the one laid this morning. Some of the older collected eggs were probably fertilized before my beautiful drake died. THank you for you help. I am now...
  4. DowntonDucks

    Mystery: Five ducks hens, no drake....still getting fertile eggs?

    Hello, I have a mystery going on. I have five duck hens: Two Anconas, one Swedish/Khaki mix, one Pekin, one Cayuga. My Ancona drake recently died (3 wks ago). My two Anconas and the Swedish mix laid eggs and even one got broody this past summer. All were mates of the drake before he died. So, I...
  5. DowntonDucks

    Sad Mama Duck...

    We are in the city and don't have predators except for the crows, owls, an occasional hawk. They forage and are free range all day in a lush yard that is 6' fenced all around. They aren't "cuddle ducks" in the sense that they are NOT willing to be picked up and are difficult to corral. Thank you...
  6. DowntonDucks

    Sad Mama Duck...

    No, she nested outside between some trees. They are very much free range. I've not had them for very long...about 45 days or so, and they do not yet have indoor accommodations. Still trying to figure that all out.
  7. DowntonDucks

    Sad Mama Duck...

    Our beautiful Ancona has been sitting on a nest of 6 eggs for almost 3 weeks. Her nest and all the eggs were just destroyed by crows...grrrrrrrrrr. Since she never hatched any, how long before she begins laying eggs again? She is the duck on the right.
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