Recent content by Earthlark

  1. Earthlark

    Design recommendations for coop using 38" pallets

    @EggWalrus I wasn't planning on installing insulation, but I've read a number of places that drafts where the chickens roost/hang out can be a problem. That's why I was thinking I needed to block up those those cracks. The coop is somewhat sheltered (behind houses and next to a 20 ft wide copse...
  2. Earthlark

    Design recommendations for coop using 38" pallets

    @aart Thanks for the advice! I was going to use some 2x4s since they are so thin. I was also going to put in vents, but I'm guessing your suggestion would make more sense as I'm guessing it would shunt the rain water away from the structure.
  3. Earthlark

    Design recommendations for coop using 38" pallets

    @FortCluck Looks great! Yeah, I agree, learning by experience is the best way, especially if one gets to work with someone that knows what they are doing! I was gonna have an experienced friend help me, but he's a bit under the weather, so I'll have to make the voyage myself! :)
  4. Earthlark

    Design recommendations for coop using 38" pallets

    @FortCluck Great example. Thanks! That's kind of what I was thinking. What kind of insulation? Will it be covered on the inside? I've read a few things about chickens eating/tearing up the insulation. (I do have a bunch of drywall pieces I could use on the inside to reduce drafts, but guessing...
  5. Earthlark

    Design recommendations for coop using 38" pallets

    I have a few hundred of these 38"x38" pallets. I need to build a coop for about 8 birds within the next couple weeks (tho I'll probably only have 6 by then). Chickens currently roosting in tree, but with Minnesota winter coming on, I need to give them a bit more shelter. 1a) I'd love to use the...
  6. Earthlark

    Day 0-15 humidity too high; any fix for final hours?

    You could try doing as recommended by EggSighted4Life: Unfortunately (and fortunately) I ended up not doing this experiment because just as I was preparing to set the eggs upright, one started to hatch, so I figured it was better to leave the cover on. In the end I had a 75% hatch rate. A...
  7. Earthlark

    Day 0-15 humidity too high; any fix for final hours?

    Great to know! Just the kind of tips I'm looking for. I have a few plastic cartons that I might work for pip clarity. I have quail egg cartons, but I wonder if chicken egg cartons wouldn't be best to give the hatchling less resistance when trying to break through... And maybe I'll turn half (18)...
  8. Earthlark

    Day 0-15 humidity too high; any fix for final hours?

    First time incubating (Coturnix quail). Too late, I obtained other hygrometers to test humidity levels and found that built-in incubation hygrometer was way off (probably cause it was stuck). I've read info on humidity levels and seen lots of discussion on it in forums, but haven't yet found...
  9. Earthlark

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thank you for your reply. I appologize if I was rude. That wasn't my intention. I think I may be in the wrong forum. I didn't realize this community was focused on breeding and showing. (I'm more interested in the utilitarian aspects of raising chickens in a humane, organic, and economical...
  10. Earthlark

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Thanks for the reply! I'm okay with any color as I'm mainly interested in docile birds that are good layers. (Trying to find ways to better support household without bugging the neighbors too much. :) Eventually want to get some of my ABE students going with chickens as well!) However, if I were...
  11. Earthlark

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Yeah, Dominiques would be great! Just read a short history of them... and how to tell them apart. :) PM me a convenient time/place to meet. Thanks! Now just gotta find one of the other breeds. :)
  12. Earthlark

    Surviving Minnesota!

    Would anybody in the TC area (I'm in Roseville) happen to have about a dozen fertile Black Australorp eggs and/or a dozen Barred Rock eggs I could buy from them? Or maybe Rhode Island Reds or Orpington or the like if not the first two. Just getting going with chickens and trying to do it on a...
  13. Earthlark

    Searching for a source of chickens in MN to start raising them this spring.

    Searching for a source of chickens in MN to start raising them this spring.
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