Recent content by fawnfriend

  1. fawnfriend

    Dummy eggs

    :jumpyHi I had some questions about using dummy eggs. I only have one hen right now laying, and was wondering if I should take the fake eggs out now since she’s already started? I want to leave them in the nesting boxes so the others can figure it out when they’re ready. And the second...
  2. fawnfriend

    First egg!

    From what I can tell shes a Wellsummer, or at least 1 of 2 that I own. :love Other girl looks exactly like some of the google images
  3. fawnfriend

    First eggs started 8/1/2018

    First eggs started 8/1/2018
  4. fawnfriend

    First egg!

    This is her in the nesting box.
  5. fawnfriend

    First egg!

    Yay! Almost 4 months to the day I for sure know what chicken is laying now! I found 2 Small squishy eggs 3 days earlier but I’ve seen this girl in the coop for the last 2 days.
  6. fawnfriend

    My flock 4 months later

    Aww well darn! I was just setting up a post to my local poultry group to see if anyone wanted the first rooster, now Ill just updated to two free roosters. :idunno
  7. fawnfriend

    My flock 4 months later

    Well I’ve had these guys since Apiril 4th and I know for sure I’ve got once rooster because he’s started crowing at 5:30 I love all these little fluffs by I am also coming to accept I’m going to have to trim down soon and sell off a few because my yard is way too small! But I don’t have many...
  8. fawnfriend

    Chicken Memes

  9. fawnfriend

    Got my chick order tracking #!

    Got my chick order tracking #!
  10. fawnfriend

    Only 2 more months till my chick order ships!

    Only 2 more months till my chick order ships!
  11. fawnfriend

    Hello from Norcal

    Hey everyone. I have been frequenting this site for a few years, first time making an account. ;P I live in beautiful Humboldt county, and living here has its own specifications, I wanted to see if any other flock owners here in our micro climate, and how their chickens deal with the fog and...
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