Recent content by Finding Grace

  1. F

    Five-month old Australorp suddenly lame. Update: Now another pullet going lame!

    Always thinking while cleaning the coop... Another potential help may be cat's claw, uncaria tomentosa. It's touted to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, etc while also helping to restore DNA. I know it's used against herpes viruses, but some websites indicate that it's also being used to...
  2. F

    Five-month old Australorp suddenly lame. Update: Now another pullet going lame!

    I found your thread a few weeks ago after you'd linked to it on another member's post, and I've been reading for information as well as a shared appreciation for your girls. I just wanted to throw something else out there, not knowing if your situation is static or otherwise. I've been reading...
  3. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury? These were from: and I'm not sure how to link the thread itself here, but the thread title and OP is: Chicken can't stand or walk, paralyzed?? Thread starterGotalotofpetstoo I...
  4. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm so sorry. It may be completely unrelated; dont lose hope! There is a live test for Mareks that was posted on a thread I've been watching. back in a few minutes after I look it up.
  5. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm so very sorry. No loss is less than heart wrenching. 💙
  6. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    It hurts so much to be unable to ease their suffering and to be unable to heal them. After I lost my sweetest girl - the one who was lame and yet came running to me just to sit on my feet - I cried a lot. And still feel grieved when I don't see her in the run. I, and I'm cetain so many others...
  7. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm so sorry. I have too little experience to offer except maybe adding electrolytes to her water. (You may be able to pick up Rooster Booster with vitamins, electrolytes, and probiotics, or try a diy electrolyte recipe found online.) Continuing to hope!
  8. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    Hi! Just wondering how your girl is doing? Any improvement?🙏
  9. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    Similar experience... what? We bought land?! We MUST have an immediate garden and chickens while renovating a house! 😄No previous livestock experience, though. My husband thinks I'm crazy for making our chickens into pets. I hear you! It can be overwhelming, but rewarding. Please keep us...
  10. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    My girl started with a limp which got progressively worse. I'm ashamed to say, after a few weeks the curled toes appeared. Until then, I had only the assumption that she had a joint or tendon that was painful and needed rest. My delay in getting her the right vitamins caused her permanent...
  11. F

    14-week-old possible leg injury?

    I'm quite new to chicken keeping myself, but had a pullet begin limping. I'll save you the details of my experience and instead refer you to look up curly toe paralysis. She may need higher doses of b vitamins.
  12. F

    Thick scaly, flaking skin (not legs)

    I'm wondering if you figured out what the problem was.
  13. F

    Good morning, All!

    I'm glad to say that the predator issue hasn't been within our coop or run, but sad to say free ranging is limited now to when I can be outside.
  14. F

    Good morning, All!

    Thank you! We're in Virginia!
  15. F

    Good morning, All!

    Tried explaining the "chicken math" concept to my husband. Had to demonstrate! 😆
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