Recent content by fireflyhatchery

  1. fireflyhatchery

    Black Austrolorp and Austorsumer chicks

    Whatever the charge is through USPS when I get an estimate. Unfortunately I don't have any chicks on hand but will when April and May roll around if you are still interested.
  2. fireflyhatchery

    Black Austrolorp and Austorsumer chicks

    Austrosummer and Black Austrolorp chick. Produced from Black Austrolorp Rooster X Welsummer Hen and Black Austrolorp Hen. Good laying quality and the hens have shown good broody instinct over the years. There is a photo of my first experiment with the hybrid last fall notice the Welsummer comb...
  3. fireflyhatchery

    The Winter Blues

    They are going on 3 years with 18% crumbles and mild lighting all day. I have no scratch additives which I have heard makes a difference, the bedding is somewhat old but the water also stays half full no matter what.
  4. fireflyhatchery

    The Winter Blues

    I am from the state of Iowa which has all four seasons to the extreme. Now is winter and like every other winter the temperatures can never make up their mind and range from -30 to 30. One thing that does seem to stay the same is that once it gets cold, the birds slow to a crawl for egg...
  5. fireflyhatchery

    Australorps breed Thread

    I am aware and have also posted my 1 allowed classified in the buy, sell, trade tab for this help as well as here.
  6. fireflyhatchery

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hello my name is Zach from northeast Iowa and I am looking for Austrolorp Roosters for my brother's 4-h project. They don't have to be perfect just clean and healthy. Anyone able to help?
  7. fireflyhatchery

    Variety of Roosters Wanted

    Hello my name is Zach and I am helping my brother out for his first year of 4-H. I am graduated and in college and have competed in county and the Iowa state fair. We are are from northeastern Iowa and are looking for different roosters to help complete his matches with hens. I am looking for...
  8. fireflyhatchery

    Roosters Wanted 4-H quality

    Hello my name is Zach and I am helping my 6th grade brother find some different roosters to match hens for his 4-H project. I am from northeast Iowa and am looking for Black Austrolorp, Buff Orpington, Wellsummer and Rhode Island Red Roosters. Should be decent quality ie. no frostbite, good...
  9. fireflyhatchery

    Meaties 101

    I am new to broilers and was wondering what the best way is to let people know and get the birds sold after the harvest?
  10. fireflyhatchery

    How much protection do Roosters offer against hawks?

    Iowa Blues are truly unique by keeping hawks away and living to see the next day also. Good investment for protection
  11. fireflyhatchery

    The last letter Game

  12. fireflyhatchery

    Hatchery vs. Local Feed Store

    usually feed stores get them from hatcheries. I have ordered from both ideal poultry and Meyer hatchery and did not have any problems even being a couple states away from each.
  13. fireflyhatchery

    The last letter Game

  14. fireflyhatchery

    Austrolorp Chicks

    Taking orders for anyone interested in Austrolorp chicks starting in January. Beautiful parents that are proven to be useful dual purpose birds. Strong year round layers with a sleek black feathering. Pictures to come soon. will ship if wanted
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