Recent content by FlemmieAnn

  1. FlemmieAnn

    How do I keep raccoons away

    I had a raccoon problem two years back at my home in Toronto. I lost few of my hens to them, and tried placing traps and using repellents but none of them worked. I spoke to a few neighbors who said that they have had raccoon in their attic and garden sheds. They got rid of the raccoon by...
  2. FlemmieAnn

    Moist roasted turkey

    Thanks for the replies guys. So I guess I wil try these methods before deciding about buying the blanket. The problem is that I am a working mom, and I don't get much time to spend in the kitchen. So usually I go for the easy work. Once again, thanks for the tips.
  3. FlemmieAnn

    Moist roasted turkey

    I like my turkey moist, but whenever I try to make it it ends up dry. I guess it is due to my 'high level' cooking skills. Last week my friend told me about this roasting blanket with which you can cover your turkey before roasting it, She...
  4. FlemmieAnn

    Turkey Recipes

    One of my favorite dish is the roasted turkey that I make for thanksgiving. I add few extra ingredients for the flavor before putting it in the roasting pan. I add lemon, onion, celery, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and few cloves into it for added taste. Before roasting I cover the Turkey...
  5. FlemmieAnn

    What are you baking now?

    I am baking a chocolate and coffee cake. It's my entire family's favorite and more importantly it's really simple to make. Here you go with the recipe. 1 3/4 cups plain flour 2 cups white sugar 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 teaspoons bicarb soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2...
  6. FlemmieAnn

    Hi there

    Hello I am Anne and I have four new chicks which my MIL has gifted me. I hope to find good advice here on how to take care of them as I don't have much of an experience taking care of chicks.
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