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  • I can understand being tired! *Hugs*
    Awww how sweet!
    My flock is good...except for Gracie one of my buff orp hens. She fell a while ago and hurt her leg badly.
    Wow...Europe!! Sounds egg-citing! Did you mix them in slowly to the new flock? Put out more food and water stations as the older flock will starve out the newbies. It can take time for new birds to integrate into a new flock and sometimes they never do get along. I mixed in some BR's last fall and there is still some squabbling. LOL You may need to separate some of the meanies out. Good luck!! :)
    Diz!!!! My allergies have been bothering me but other than that I'm good. :) Awwww, your profile pic is so cute! I want a silkie, they're so fluffy! LOL! How are you?
    Hi Caroline! How have you been doing? I have a sick hen I am trying to get back on her feet, but the others in the flock are doing well! How is your flock? How was your summer? :)
    Hey Caroline! I'm doing alright. I'm both liking and disliking school. lol It's nice to discipline myself but the work is hard.

    How are you? How's school?
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