Recent content by frugal farmer

  1. frugal farmer

    Can't figure it out.

    Shes raising the one that is alive. It's been hatched since Thursday probably
  2. frugal farmer

    Can't figure it out.

    The first one had yolk attached still. Second was just dead (I think). I just want to make sure she isn't just killing them to kill them. We have had new sows that would freak out and do that. She is a gold laced wyendotte if that matters towards motherly instincts
  3. frugal farmer

    Can't figure it out.

    Why would she do that? Sick chicks? Can't raise them all? It was the first one hatched and 3rd.
  4. frugal farmer

    Can't figure it out.

    I have a hen that went broody, she has hatched 3 eggs but 2 of the 3 chicks have been dead under her when I go check them. Why is this happening?
  5. frugal farmer

    What is this beautiful girl?

    Donrae thank you. I can start looking stuff up about her now that I know what I'm looking for.
  6. frugal farmer

    What is this beautiful girl?

    Speckled Sussex?
  7. frugal farmer

    What is this beautiful girl?

    She's brown and white speckled with blue tips. I didn't think barred rocks had brown in them.
  8. frugal farmer

    What is this beautiful girl?

    . I had somebody give her to me and I have no idea what kind of chicken she is. I didn't think much of it till I just saw a picture of one identical to her (this picture is the one on the Internet, not of my girl) thanks
  9. frugal farmer

    Rouen ducks

    Do the ducks need water to breed? He seemed to chase them more while in the water than on land
  10. frugal farmer

    Rouen ducks

    I won't let they sit on eggs till spring probably I just hatched my first chicks on the farm and I have 2 gilts that I suspect will be having litters over the winter. That will be enough babies to try to keep warm. Thanks for the reply
  11. frugal farmer

    June/July molt

    Nothing has changed in the hen house. They have all been together since last fall I understand they molt but everything I've read has been spring or fall not middle of summer.... So let me understand you correctly these birds that are molting now may my again this fall? And possibly the hens...
  12. frugal farmer

    Rouen ducks

    I have 3 Rouen ducks. One male 2 females. I got them last week of March. He tries "popping" them like you would expect. My question are..... When will they start laying eggs? How long is the incubation period for ducks, when should I expect them to possibly start sitting on eggs if they will...
  13. frugal farmer

    June/July molt

    I'm not sure about ages of early molters and late molters I've lost track. I got them all from different people when they got tired of chickens and the responsibility of them that's why they are all so different in age. I have red sexlinks, jersey Giants, silver Wyandotte, buffs, white leghorns...
  14. frugal farmer

    June/July molt

    Half my birds molted in April and the other half molted in late June early July. I have some 1 year old birds and some older birds. Will that affect when they molt and the older birds are close to 3 probably, will they be done laying after this molt? Thanks
  15. frugal farmer

    Rouen ducklings or mallard ducklings

    That's is a fantastic picture of the difference thank you very much
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