Recent content by funkdog

  1. funkdog

    Funniest Bad As* Polish Chick Pic Ever

    I just told him (still hoping for 'her' but all signs point to 'him') he's becoming a star in the 'chicken forum' and he's got a illustrious career in rap, and know what he did? He told me "me and my hos* need a bigger box and some Cristal, cause that's how we roll!" What a punk, but I did go...
  2. funkdog

    Funniest Bad As* Polish Chick Pic Ever

    Quote: Hey True Grit--Hee, hee- maybe I can make him a gold necklace with a giant $ sign and hang it around his neck, and his 'crew' too--way too funny, YO!
  3. funkdog

    Funniest Bad As* Polish Chick Pic Ever

    So glad to see everyone appreciates my chick--LOVE him but he DOES have attitude!!
  4. funkdog

    Funniest Bad As* Polish Chick Pic Ever

    Think everyone might enjoy this pic as much as I's one bad ass polish chick ready to attack the camera! Happy Hennery!
  5. funkdog

    Bully Chick!

    So the moral of the story is not to be too quick to judge feisty fuzzy butts--I am hoping that her (I hope) assertiveness is a part of the natural pecking order and not a chicken serial killer in the making...
  6. funkdog

    Bully Chick!

    I've got 5 new banty chicks about a week old: 2 Polish, 2 Black Silkies, 1 Mille Fleu. One of the Polish is a big bully and constantly pecks at the others--is this normal? Maybe a roo or an overly aggressive gal trying to assert her top status even this early??? Or is this going to be a...
  7. funkdog

    HELP please. New to raising chicks, and something has gone wrong. :(

    Are there any weird fumes coming from the plastic bin they are in? Perhaps the heat lamp in heating the plastic and it is off-gassing chemical fumes that are too much for the small chicks to handle?? I'm so sorry for your loss.
  8. funkdog

    Chicks eating pine shavings in brooder---ok?

    Egads, thank you. Will take them out immediately! Sad, as they were purchased from a small and very reputable farm store and they are the ones that told me to put down pine shavings for them!! Thank you so much for your help.
  9. funkdog

    Chicks eating pine shavings in brooder---ok?

    New fuzz butts are doing fine exploring their fancy new cardboard chicken condo but have taken to eating the pine shavings that line their box. They have plenty of Start n Grow which they are eating but seem to snack on the shavings--is this okay?? Thanks!!
  10. funkdog

    Lone chick or something wrong??

    Just brought home my 5 new babies, a few days old (not mail order--local pet store who gets from breeder about an hour away) The one black silkie seems perfectly healthy but is always by herself while the 4 others huddle together. Not sure if this is normal or if she's being excluded from the...
  11. funkdog

    So when we started this chicken stuff..we decided on 8

    Quote: OK, that is the funniest emoticon I have ever seen in my life...that says it all, especially when you are talking about Chicken Math... This morning the feed store surprised me with 5 bantams, but I already have 8 standards on order...what to do? Maybe the better half won't realize...
  12. funkdog

    Looked like my chicks were bombed!!!!!

    LMAO!! Just got my new babies and I kept saying "they look like they're dead" but clearly they aren't--just a funny way of sleeping. I can't stand how cute they are and now when I watch them sleeping I visualize them storming Normandy in "Saving Private Rhode Island"!!
  13. funkdog

    Looking for Chicken Pals in Sonoma/Sebastopol CA

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Looking forward to this grand new adventure!
  14. funkdog

    Looking for Chicken Pals in Sonoma/Sebastopol CA

    Thanks Nifty! And congrats on such a magnificent site--in fact it was stumbling upon your site a few years ago that got me chicken crazed! The site, the members, the comraderie -- you're all to blame as all my friends think I'm crazy for leaving the big city and going to live in the country w/...
  15. funkdog

    Looking for Chicken Pals in Sonoma/Sebastopol CA

    Hi there! I've been dreaming about having chickens for years so I finally moved out of LA and up to Sebastopol so I could have my chickens (and garden and peace and quiet) and I'd love to find some friends in the local area to learn from and to share with as I'm a complete newbie but ready to...
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