Looking for Chicken Pals in Sonoma/Sebastopol CA


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 12, 2011
Hi there! I've been dreaming about having chickens for years so I finally moved out of LA and up to Sebastopol so I could have my chickens (and garden and peace and quiet) and I'd love to find some friends in the local area to learn from and to share with as I'm a complete newbie but ready to build my flock!

I'll be building my own coop and will get started in the next few weeks--just trying to decide if I should start from chicks or purchase laying age pullets. Any advice is greatly appreciated as everyone here is so filled with great experience and advice. Thanks, Nancy
Hi Nancy, welcome!

I'm not too close to you, but I know we've got members out in those parts! In fact, you're close to Petaluma which use to be the chicken capitol of the world!

Glad you joined us here on BYC! Please pull up a chair and stay a while!
Thanks Nifty! And congrats on such a magnificent site--in fact it was stumbling upon your site a few years ago that got me chicken crazed! The site, the members, the comraderie -- you're all to blame as all my friends think I'm crazy for leaving the big city and going to live in the country w/ my chickens!! That's why I need some new friends
Welcome! My opinion is to start with chicks if you want them to be more like pets. Pullets if you are only interested in eggs, unless you can find some friendly ones that are already started. Good Luck!
My wife and I lived for awhile in Cotati and I still buy my feed in Petaluma. Always enjoy visiting Sebastopol. Check out the California - Northern thread in the Where am I? Where are you! section. A lot of good chicken people hanging out there.

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