Recent content by gallusdomesticus

  1. gallusdomesticus

    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens?

    I've been keeping chickens for 15 years. I wanted a hobby after retiring from the Air Force and fortunately our housing area allows chickens. Currently have 12 hens and a rooster who all have names after Roman emperors wives, except Julius Caesar, the rooster after living in Rome for three...
  2. gallusdomesticus

    Chickens 'teamed up to kill fox' at Brittany farming school

    Who says the French aren't tough? Assault Chickens!
  3. gallusdomesticus

    Fit bits for chickens

    I’m aftraid we’re losing the technology for chickens race with the Chinese.
  4. gallusdomesticus

    Ayam Cemani Size?

    My Cemani hens are on the small size. They are between a bantam and a full size hen in size.
  5. gallusdomesticus

    Don't like your neighbors chickens? Blow em up!

    Only in Florida......
  6. gallusdomesticus

    Kill a racoon? go to jail

    Shoot, shovel, shut up....exactly
  7. gallusdomesticus

    Kill a racoon? go to jail

    The following story is from Orlando Florida. The man chose to kill a raccoon that had killed his chickens by drowning. While those of us who own chickens, don't condone cruelty, this man had few options. What do you think about going to jail for getting rid of a predator...
  8. gallusdomesticus

    Impacted Crop

    I have had luck with a little oil and crop massage but I've also had a stubborn case of a hen who could not pass the obstruction in her crop so I took her to a vet and he performed a simple operation to incise and empty the crop and sew her up. She recovered quickly and did fine. Trick is...
  9. gallusdomesticus

    How to shame a chicken I wonder if this works? Worth a try!
  10. gallusdomesticus

    do you give out 7 year membership awards?

    do you give out 7 year membership awards?
  11. gallusdomesticus

    Are hawks always around?

    Hawks are a constant problem here in the Florida panhandle. I have taken to shooting bottle rockets into the trees in the wooded lot next door to discourage them. One grabbed a two week old chick that was not 4 feet from me this past Saturday as I was cleaning her crate. I shouted and ran...
  12. gallusdomesticus

    Taking Turkeys on Airliners

    Nothing like having your favorite bird as your seat mate! I detect some anti-chicken bias however.......
  13. gallusdomesticus

    Commercial Chicken producers using oregano as a natural parasitic and anti biotic

    Sounds like a good idea.....
  14. gallusdomesticus

    The origin of chicken eating

    Maybe those ancient Israelites were onto something.....
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