Recent content by grandma Henhen

  1. grandma Henhen

    Share your random chicken pictures...

    The one gray one looks like my Blue Wyandotte.
  2. grandma Henhen

    Share your random chicken pictures...

    We were told these are Blue Wyandottes when we bought the chicks I haven’t seen any other photos one has black eyes and black feet, the other is lighter and more brown eyes
  3. grandma Henhen

    I can't seem to peel my hard boiled eggs - page 8 Solution!

    If you have an Instant Pot, you can search YouTube for cooking hard boiled eggs. Works great for us. I think its the ice bath that helps them peel easily. And I crack them all over and roll between my hands.
  4. grandma Henhen

    Wierd eggs?

    I think she was going for a map of the continents!
  5. grandma Henhen

    Wierd eggs?

    They scraped off easily and it looked normal otherwise. I have never seen this before. We have had a few rough bumps on the shell.
  6. grandma Henhen

    Wierd eggs?

    I got a strange egg today from one Americauna. Maybe calcium deposit? They are like tiny dots deposited. Any thoughts?
  7. grandma Henhen

    When to move outside

    Are they fully feathered? I put a plastic over the screened door when it gets to the 50s. Just to keep the body heat in.
  8. grandma Henhen

    Chicken Shaming :D

    Are those photoshopped or do they stand still for a sign on their neck? Laughing out loud!
  9. grandma Henhen

    Texas flock and intro

    We give them organic layer feed as well as occasional vegetable and fruit scraps. Also sometimes meal worms. We are also working on crushed egg shells and I found a good way to use them. First I soak them in water which makes the membrane easier to remove. After I dry them I put them in an old...
  10. grandma Henhen

    Texas flock and intro

    Hello. My name is grandma Henhen because I am a Grandma and my name is Henny! My daughter and I have about thirteen assorted chickens with one rooster. Our first batch were Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rock. Our second batch, which have just started laying, are Ameracunas, Black Austrolorps and a...
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