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  • Finally! ALL my girls are laying!
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    Reactions: Dr Evy
    where did you buy that coop&run online??? looking for one to have 6 hens in
    I just now saw this post! Sorry to answer so late. I bought the smaller one on Amazon along with the "doggie play fence" (actually two of them put together). The larger coop I bought at Tractor Supply because I got more hens. I have a total of 5 hens. I kept the smaller coop as a "hen hospital" for when I needed to separate one out from the rest.
    It's a good thing I did! I have had to use it in that fashion a couple of times. The larger coop I would not use for more than 6 hens for sure. I did a few modifications on it to raise the roosts inside up so that they are not right next to the flooring. It's been easy to care for so far.
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