Recent content by HerbiLady

  1. HerbiLady

    Brooder Lighting

    It all sounds good and I gotta say, AWESOME cardboard brooder!! A couple things are apparent to're much better at construction and design and your duct tape beats heck out of mine I'm going to have to build something bigger this weekend and I'll be ripping off a couple ideas I see...
  2. HerbiLady

    4 week old chicks are driving me nuts!

    I'm thinking once they're well feathered, they'll be good outside I"m in Michigan and our weather is nuts...but I can't imagine brooding them (even though they're in an RV that we're fixing up outside right now with an electric heater and heat lamp) for much longer than 6 weeks. They just...
  3. HerbiLady

    Blood Thirsty Chicks

    I had this issue last week. Same chick with all it's tail feathers missing, a raw tail and it was also picking at itself. I tried to isolate it and find the culprits. I thought I"d found the culprits, isolated them too but actually, I'm not even sure if it was the two I isolated...
  4. HerbiLady

    loose smelly poop in 3 and 4 week old chicks, just switched to organic

    Ack! I"m so sorry! I just got a great book in the mail today...The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow. It's awesome and REALLY comprehensive. It wasn't expensive through Amazon, like $12.00 I think for a brand new one. I played it safe and started them with medicated feed and...
  5. HerbiLady

    5wk chick having trouble pooping, red swollen vent - help!

    Ooops...forgot something! I've read somewhere here on BYC that you shouldn't introduce grain until they're 8 weeks or so old. I could be wrong, but I think that's the commonly accepted age for grains.
  6. HerbiLady

    5wk chick having trouble pooping, red swollen vent - help!

    I'm not sure if it would make her have a hard time passing poo, but if they're getting any kind of food besides chick crumbles, they need to have some grit too. If they're ONLY eating crumbles, they don't need it but if you're supplementing with greens or other treats, they have to have it At...
  7. HerbiLady

    I have the Pasty Butt Blues... And a few questions!

    It shouldn't last much longer than the first four or five days or week at most. I quit doing worried "butt checks" more than a week ago and mine are a little over 2 weeks old now. Traveling (if they were shipped) is hard on them and getting a little too cold can contribute to it as well. Make...
  8. HerbiLady

    For those who use wire dog crate for outdoor time .....

    I would think that even if you secure the sides with hardware cloth or chicken wire, that something pushing the crate over is a fear too! There may be wires on the bottom of the crate (duh! at first I thought it was open on the bottom !) but if they aren't protected, and it tips, then they can...
  9. HerbiLady

    Chicks arrived dead.

    That's just bull...I would definitely cancel the balance, ask for a refund and after I got it, tell him exactly what I thought of his hideous "business" practices. Is the guy a complete moron or what??? I don't want you to screw up your chances of a refund but after you settle things, it would...
  10. HerbiLady

    Crying chicks.

    My two-week olds freak out at the darkness, even when it isn't total or sudden. I try not to leave bright lights on them at night ... they're in heated place and I can keep it warm enough ~ if I don't need a light at night for extra heat, I prefer not to have one in their brooder, even the...
  11. HerbiLady

    Farting/pooping chick

    Quote: I have no idea what to say to this... for being surrounded by men!
  12. HerbiLady

    Farting/pooping chick

    Quote: That could be an issue for you my friend...
  13. HerbiLady

    Farting/pooping chick

    Quote: What do you mean they don't??? I WANT my compost pile to be a mile high What an hilarious thread Mine actually don't poop on me ~ the only time one did was when it was pasted and I cleaned it off and got just about a handful out of the poor thing! Obviously, I'm not handling mine...
  14. HerbiLady

    loose smelly poop in 3 and 4 week old chicks, just switched to organic

    Hi Noel... Oh my...I so hope it isn't the cocci It's good that a normal poo happened so maybe they got into something or maybe the shavings irritated their systems. Or they caught something. Doesn't make any sense to separate them if they're all doing the same thing. It's hard on them to...
  15. HerbiLady

    PLANTED GARDEN TODAY - anybody planting yet?

    Quote: That's a really good come I never think of the easy, simple COOL stuff like that? I didn't have chickens last year and after awhile, I started feeling bad for dumping out so much tomato skins for Bubby (pot bellied kid in my avatar!) so I just tossed them out...I didn't...
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