Recent content by hoofpawclawacre

  1. hoofpawclawacre

    Duck Breed Focus - Silver Appleyard

    Can anyone tell me what breeds were bred to create the Silver Appleyard?
  2. hoofpawclawacre

    gravel in coop

    Chickens are so strong and clever! They can dig right through that gravel if they want to make their own dust bath. Mine have.
  3. hoofpawclawacre

    My favorite girl, Juliet, died yesterday :(

    Hi! so sorry that you nice hen died. I do not know what the mucus thing is all about. Just wanted to comment on the DE; It can be harmful but only if there is a lot of it and it is worked up like a dust storm. I use is everywhere. When nesting boxes are cleaned out and freshened I take out the...
  4. hoofpawclawacre

    Just In Time Hatching Egg AUCTION and BIN Thread

    I just paid for membership $20 and it does say 20 posts to sell. Number 8 located here: [ ] so where is the rule that I need 250 posts to sell posted? so frustrating!
  5. hoofpawclawacre

    New piglet concerns

    Raising pigs here for food we do not use Sevin. possibilities: they are itchy and just scratching they have lice. look closely with a magnifying glass to see them easily. you will see little eggs attached to the base of the hair shaft (google images of louse eggs) I use a dull razor blade...
  6. hoofpawclawacre

    new chicken mama

    I know a lot people cannot have roosters or do not want roosters but we love our roosters for all the work they do in protecting their hens. When a rooster has his own hens in his own pen he really takes care of them in many ways. He guards them and shouts out warning calls when hawks or...
  7. hoofpawclawacre

    Hawks, any methods to keep them at bay?

    We have lots of hawks. Illegal to shoot them. We have set panels of tin roofing leaning against the fence in key places so the chickens can quickly run for cover. The rooster in each pen does an amazing job alarming his hens that there is a hawk near by. The only other thing we could do is...
  8. hoofpawclawacre

    Pests.... for me..

    no expertise! a little experience Hello, a few years back when we lived in Nebraska our chickens did eat box elder bugs one here or there. They did not stand at a window that was covered and enjoy a feast (what we hope for). I did not see them eat the Japanese beetles. We did not have...
  9. hoofpawclawacre

    Egg turner help

    Hi we just received our Janoel 8-48 incubator and I do not think the turner is working properly. did you figure out if the quick tilt then back is how it is supposed to work? did you have them replace your unit thank you
  10. hoofpawclawacre

    What is the SOP for Black Copper Marans?

    I recently purchased the SOP by American Poultry Association and Black Copper Maran is not in the book.
  11. hoofpawclawacre

    Deformed at hatch CAUTION graphic images.

    Well the seller is only angry at me and blames me and my incubator. again I simply notified seller stating I am not seeking money back, or new hatching eggs. Simple want to let you know that I think there is something wrong. Seller agreed that something is wrong but the wrong doing is/was me...
  12. hoofpawclawacre

    Deformed at hatch CAUTION graphic images.

    Haunted55, Thank you for your response. Even though I hatched my own healthy chicks in the incubator with these malformed chicks I still feel terribly guilty. I still question myself what did I do wrong? Then I tell myself your own eggs hatched okay this go around. One might think that...
  13. hoofpawclawacre

    Deformed at hatch CAUTION graphic images.

    Thank you for the awesome information from your link this quote: "Normally, loss of about 1.8% of total hatch due to malpositions and deformities can be anticipated. However, if this is elevated, necessary corrective measures must be taken. The importance of a routine embryo diagnosis program...
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