Recent content by HouseElfSphynx

  1. HouseElfSphynx

    cayuga duck thread

    Yes he is :)
  2. HouseElfSphynx

    cayuga duck thread

    Yes he is: ) if his head is emerald green he is a CayugaCayuga. This is my boy
  3. HouseElfSphynx

    Really need some help with a hatchling

    turns out he was stuck from the dry membrane and too big for the egg itself and was stuck in an awkward position. all is good though
  4. HouseElfSphynx

    Really need some help with a hatchling

    Dont worry about helping me with the above i gave him til 4pm which i posted this at 1:49pm and the duckling had not moved or made any more progress from where it was at previously and the membrane was dry so i took him inside and intervened on an external pip. The duckling is alive and his yolk...
  5. HouseElfSphynx

    !!!EMERGANCY!!! Broody pecked baby through pip!

    as long as the bleeding has stopped and the chick is still peeping i would just make sure that its in a warm area and on a wet warm washcloth and make sure that the membrane stays wet for it to continue hatching its okay if it hatches with the yolk out. I'm not sure if ducklings are like chicks...
  6. HouseElfSphynx

    Really need some help with a hatchling

    hey everyone, my ducks have all grown up and now are spouting out babies of their own as of 28 days ago thats right today i have one hatching (after a few others had hatched weeks ago) and Hes been externally pipped since monday night at 8pm MST. and this morning he had pipped a hole and was...
  7. HouseElfSphynx

    cayuga duck thread

    Lol thanks I like jade too it's a united sex name: ) This my 5 month old Ozzy : )
  8. HouseElfSphynx

    cayuga duck thread

    I had the same problem with mine named him ozzy hoping for a girl but found out Ozzie's is a boy lol
  9. HouseElfSphynx

    Cayuga Help

    wait Cayuga crosses or pure Cayuga Causer i would love four female Cayuga I'm in Emmett Idaho though.
  10. HouseElfSphynx

    Cayuga Help

    and has anyone cross bred Ancona with Cayuga? if so what do they look like? I think i have all three female Ancona ducks, and 1 male Cayuga (the only cayuga i have)
  11. HouseElfSphynx

    Cayuga Help

    yay! thank you so much now i just have to get a female :) i might order one or three next month but i dont know. Have you ordered them offline? or has anyone ordered female cayuga's off the internet?? i was wondering exactly how big do the requested "Female" cayuga ducks arrive as if you order...
  12. HouseElfSphynx

    Cayuga Help

    Okay i got a Caygua duckling back in the ending of may sometime and i think it was a few days old, because it took a while to catch up to my April 11th hatched anacona. who was 1 month old at the time. It is now July 26th so that would make the Cayuga duckling i believe 4 months old and my...
  13. HouseElfSphynx

    Are these dead?

    I knowed it! Lol
  14. HouseElfSphynx

    Male or Female? Ancona Duck

    well with all that read i believe i have two females and a male.... my 5-6 week old duckling that i hatched from a still air incubator is the mouthiest the rest just kind of quack quietly while my ducky (the stilair born one) quacks loud and full, and then i have a cayuga 2-3 week duckling...
  15. HouseElfSphynx

    Are these dead?

    it might be better to incubate them im not sure if the 2 month old pekin will know what to do or accept them if shes not laying. You could always buy a hen box and get a broody hen from a local chicken farmer. You could even ask to lease one. or check craigslist. incubators for duck eggs are...
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