Recent content by iqsavvy

  1. iqsavvy

    Please help identify Brown Red Ameraucana Rooster or EE & this chick I hatched from a blue ameraucan

    I was offered this fine fellow in exchange for a trade of one of my female blue wheaten pullets. I cannot find a lot of information on Brown Red Roos and do not have a lot of time as of late to go to poultry shows and talk to other fellow enthusiasts, breeders, hobbyist etc.I would like to have...
  2. iqsavvy

    quail pictures

    I had some chicks. I will post pictures they chicks are jet back tops with white bottoms. I have never seen this before. They aren't like normal tuxedo. I will get pictures tonight its pretty incredible. I was wondering if anyone else had the same? And if so can you show me an adult picture?
  3. iqsavvy

    Odd eggs

    My quail have been laying brown with dark brown polka dots, I had several blue green eggs with no polka dots, and I am interested to see they hatch. They are in the incubator right now.
  4. iqsavvy

    kerosene egg incubator

    Broody hens are a good way to go. I have a friend who uses them for quail when they have too many to fill their incubators. We just purchased a sportsman and accessories which was about $800 including shipping. But we hatch and sell a lot of poultry including: quail, turkey, chicken, and ducks...
  5. iqsavvy

    kerosene egg incubator

    I found this on how to make one Honestly I would buy a solar panel and go with a good quality incubator Now I know a cabinet incubator like a sportsman uses...
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