kerosene egg incubator

I found this on how to make one

Honestly I would buy a solar panel and go with a good quality incubator

Now I know a cabinet incubator like a sportsman uses 150-200 watts but this is a link to a 100 watt solar panel.

Here is a link to a 300 watt solar panel kit.

If you invested in a cabinet incubator for about $700 then lets say the $700 for maximum solar panels. And you had say pharoh quail you hatched out and sold at a dollar a piece. It would pay for itself in 2 full cabinet hatches. I have 20 quail that lay 17 eggs a day.(besides my turkeys, ducks, and chickens) and its easy to keep it going. You would also need to consider that you will need a brooder after they hatch to keep the chicks warm.
if i buy solar panels they are going on my cabin not an incubator lol. I have been leaning more with just finding broody breeds lately , or restoring an older one, I just found one for $75 that looks pretty complete. the kerosene lamp heats the water that heats the eggs

I could never justify $1400 for anything poultry related, I couldn't justify half that, I dont sell anything.
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Broody hens are a good way to go. I have a friend who uses them for quail when they have too many to fill their incubators. We just purchased a sportsman and accessories which was about $800 including shipping. But we hatch and sell a lot of poultry including: quail, turkey, chicken, and ducks. My husbands trying to talk me into pheasant and I think we already have enough!
you can never have enough! I am a little old fashioned I would never need a fancy expensive incubator .

I was thinking another issue with the solar powered incubator would be unreliability, well for example the sun has only really been out shining for about 2 hours in three days, nothing but overcast, so it wouldn't have done any good this last week.

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