Recent content by Iziayia

  1. Iziayia

    Mycoplasma - the ethical debate

    I can't explain how heavy my heart felt this morning when I received the test results back. My birds have been diagnosed with Mycoplasma. I've been raising and breeding heritage breed poultry for a few years now. I even have my own 'line' of Olive egger chickens that I've been working very...
  2. Iziayia

    Found something in their poop

    Update... so it does seem to be seeds but they are literally everywhere (not necessarily in poop - found some in a leftover 'feed pile') - they couldn't possibly be grass or clover right? I don't recognize it :/
  3. Iziayia

    Found something in their poop

    These poops are outside in a fenced pasture (with pond) where I only had poultry last year and we level three years ago with a bulldozer (and fence two years ago). They are around the door area so more concentrated but I didn't check if poops in other parts looked the same, but from what I saw...
  4. Iziayia

    Found something in their poop

    Anyone known what these strange brown lumps are? I found them in the chickens (or turkey/duck/goose) poop from last year (thawing out from under the snow now) but it's only in some of the pools and not all of the ones I saw. Just want to make sure it's not something bad like an internal pest or so.
  5. Iziayia

    Pullet with dislocated leg

    The leg can fall of from dislocation?! I'll see what I can do with the bracing.
  6. Iziayia

    Pullet with dislocated leg

    I don't know how but one of my pullets managed to dislocate her leg between yesterdays and now. She's still walking around on it (kinda freaks me out a bit ). I'd like to put it back but I'm afraid I'd break a bone, is there a specific way to do it? Sorry for the bad picture. Thanks!
  7. Iziayia

    Dirty turkey hatching eggs

    Hello, So my turkeys have laid a nest of 14 eggs and this morning they accidentally broke one. A few got very covered in yolk and egg white and in wondering if there's anything I can do to clean them or if it's better to just let them be. I have removed them from the nest now because I don't...
  8. Iziayia

    Restoring old 416 Leahy cabinet incubator

    I probably will, but aluminum or something. Or I will try and find a cookie pan that's maybe the same dimensions that I can easily take out and hose down. Continuing to sand down - door. And of course leave it for a minute the cat was already inspecting my job....
  9. Iziayia

    Restoring old 416 Leahy cabinet incubator

    Yup the power cord is already gone. Definitely didn't want that thing around anymore. They electrical should be fine then as everything has plastic casing. And the heater does look rough but it truly only is dirty x) seriously I reeeaaally wish I had taken a picture before I started cleaning...
  10. Iziayia

    Restoring old 416 Leahy cabinet incubator

    Oh man yours looks like it was in waaaaaay better condition wehn you got it then mine was. I swear they must chase never cleaned it. Are the redwoods usually stained? I've not much experience with woodworking so I don't k is if there's a wood stain on it or not. I just know I do have to remove...
  11. Iziayia

    Restoring old 416 Leahy cabinet incubator

    Here are some before pics. Unfortunately I had already started cleaning out the inside before I though of taking them so 90% of the dirt is already gone. Uiuiuii look at that beautiful wood hiding under there! On the left is the home-made...
  12. Iziayia

    Restoring old 416 Leahy cabinet incubator

    So I've bought myself some 'new' (to me) incubators. One is homemade and the other is a Leahy cabinet incubator, model number 416 (I think they were called Favorite Incubator?). Anyway I've been looking for restoration projects but haven't found any where it was easy to follow and or went...
  13. Iziayia

    Something attacked our ducks and geese

    Definitely looks more deceased now. We'll keep the traps set in case there's more then one around..
  14. Iziayia

    Something attacked our ducks and geese

    We were using raw hamburger meat and eggs. Worked fairly well. We caught it this morning!
  15. Iziayia

    Something attacked our ducks and geese

    The bugger didn't show up last night. Frustrating. This is the set up we have. Nothing can dig-in because they are on concrete. It couldn't be a raccoon because, well, if it got in definitely wouldn't have been able to get out. Certainly not a fox. The chickens are currently elsewhere and the...
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