Recent content by jabherjaw

  1. jabherjaw

    My Ameraucauna won't use the nesting box...

    Hi all...We have 6 chickens, and our nesting area is plenty big for everyone to comfortably lay, and I keep it clean and fresh. For some reason though, my ameraucauna won't lay her eggs in there. She will pull straw from the nest and make her own little spot in the corner of the coop. She is...
  2. jabherjaw

    Laying eggs too early?

    Thanks for the replies! I'm glad it's not too unusual. It's now that much more exciting to visit the girls and check the nesting box :)
  3. jabherjaw

    Laying eggs too early?

    My California Leghorn just laid 2 eggs. She is only 4 months old. While we are super excited, I just want to make sure it's OK. Most everything I've read says they start laying at 6 months.
  4. jabherjaw

    Chickens won't leave coop?

    Thank you! :)
  5. jabherjaw

    Chickens won't leave coop?

    We have a coop that has ramp access to a run area, but they seem to be content with just staying in the coop all day. If I leave the door to the coop open, they will eventually come out to free range. They are fed and watered, so should I just not worry about it?
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