Laying eggs too early?


Jul 24, 2015
My California Leghorn just laid 2 eggs. She is only 4 months old. While we are super excited, I just want to make sure it's OK. Most everything I've read says they start laying at 6 months.
Relax. Everything is fine. Each chicken has her own internal clock and she won't lay any eggs until she's ready. Leghorns can be egg laying machines so she's a little early but she's just doing her own thing in her own time. Most of my Red Sex Links were laying by 17 weeks. Don't be surprised if you get some nice eggs, followed by some funky looking eggs (rubber, shell less, lumpy shells, double and even triple yolks) - the assembly line is primed and ready but all the parts have to sync!

California leghorns are crossbreed that has predominant white leghorn - which known to lay early. My leghorns started laying eggs @16 wks, so it depends on how fast a specific hen matures.
Thanks for the replies! I'm glad it's not too unusual. It's now that much more exciting to visit the girls and check the nesting box :)
They have a coop and fenced in area outside the coop. Not free ranging. Maybe to many snacks?
I am not sure..1 white, 2 red..I have looked around and I keep it clean in and out so I feel like I would have seen one.

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