Recent content by Jazkabor

  1. Jazkabor

    Breeding silkie carrier to silkie will produce what percentage silkied vs smooth?

    Yep, thats my question. I have tried searching, and Googling didn't find what I was hoping for. Thanks in advance. :D Breeding silkie carrier to silkie will produce what percentage silkied vs smooth? I believe I red showgirl to silkie is a 50% chance of showgirl, if anyone can confirm...
  2. Jazkabor

    Free Black Cochin Rooster - Redmond, WA

    How did it go with your frizzles? I have one too. Large comb but not all that red like I would think.
  3. Jazkabor

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    13 3 d'uccles (2 Mille fluer 1 porcelain) 1 barred Rick 1 slw 2 silkies 1 bantam blue EE 1 rir/blrw 1lf EE 1 well summer 1khaki Campbell 1 chocolate Muscovy 13 + 4287 = 4300
  4. Jazkabor

    Beginner pigeon questions

    Thanks! I don't seem to understand the pigeon site and how to navigate. I can not find any good breed or even general pigeon info. Thanks hokum I really appreciate your experience being shared!!! The weight~ they are for a young child ready for a new poultry challenge, showmanship requires very...
  5. Jazkabor

    Beginner pigeon questions

    Have no luck searching online for pigeon raising questions. :( How many makes a happy pigeon? 1-5? I want 1 pen/cage sometimes 2 no more (+ a hospital suite).. Is that ok for keeping a breeding pair? What protein % do they need? Do they all fly? Some look too fancy to fly. Which birds are...
  6. Jazkabor

    1st yr keeping duccles "not cold hardy" , what should that mean to me in willamette valley, Oregon?

    Oh, maybe I still say the wrong words, I meant thee run under the house. I'm either going to use shavings or straw in the house. I like the straw best, it ha sa metal floor that I don't think would be well covered with shavings after they've scratched it around.
  7. Jazkabor

    1st yr keeping duccles "not cold hardy" , what should that mean to me in willamette valley, Oregon?

    How do you keep your duccles? We are planning to give this coop a two inch deep sand floor. To keep there boots from getting damaged and to keep them dry. Will yours fly? I don't like the ramp in their coop, one was hurt as soon as the rain came. We had another light trio in there all...
  8. Jazkabor


    How do you choose to weatherize ? We are in willamette valley, lots of rain. And at most half 2in of snow for a few days a year if we're lucky. I just brought home duccles "not cold hardy". I am keeping a trio of them in this little coop that is in my avatar photo.
  9. Jazkabor

    1st yr keeping duccles "not cold hardy" , what should that mean to me in willamette valley, Oregon?

    My pic is the coop they are in we only have 3, not sure they really generate much heat. We get a couple inches of snow a year that melts in a couple days. Most winter issues we have around here is needing to scape iced windshields. This coop is similar to ones in front of the coastal or wilco...
  10. Jazkabor

    Wanted Muscovy in Oregon

    Somehow I got things mixed I thought they were a heavy breed and not a good flyer. Now I hear they fly well, so not for us. Need a non flyer. Our magpies use to swoop the yard but only 3f off he ground. All the googling is boggling my brain!
  11. Jazkabor

    Should I get ducks?

    I saw the post is deleted, did you bring them home?
  12. Jazkabor

    Talking about flying ducks

    My magpies would fly across our back yard just a couple feet off he ground, :D
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