Recent content by jeslewmazer

  1. jeslewmazer

    Rescued Chicken. Breeed and sex?

    looks like mixed hen to me
  2. jeslewmazer

    I Caponized! ***Graphic Pics*** Not For Faint of Heart.

    I'm by no means a vet, but i do think that they don't have as much nerves in certain areas as most mammals. I have seen some brutal wounds on my chickens that would kill my dogs or cats, but they don't bleed like them either. so, that could be it too. Shock is usually a loss of blood from my...
  3. jeslewmazer

    The Moment of Truth, Do I have Pullets or Cockerels?

    Agree with the possible two. There will be awhile before crowing if you want to wait, but they do look roo'ish.
  4. jeslewmazer

    13 week old EE pullet or cockerel?

    definitely a pullet.
  5. jeslewmazer

    Looking for another opinion on breed/coloring of this chick...

    Agreed. The muffs are almost a solid confirmation (but other breeds have muffs). SLW will have yellow legs (could be pearl at up to about 3days old, but will turn yellow) I don't see that.
  6. jeslewmazer

    Help! What gender are my Barred Rock chicks?

    At this age it is hard to tell. Give them a few more weeks and post some more pics. possible one male "but not the one you think". That's my opinion. They are looking good.
  7. jeslewmazer

    not sure on breed

    I have been rummaging through chicken information on the web and happened to remember this thread. Maybe a Altsteirer (cross).
  8. jeslewmazer

    What kind of breed is this rooster?

    I agree. He does look like a mix. I would say just try breeding him with a few different hens and you might get some similar to him. He is pretty.
  9. jeslewmazer

    7 week old EE sexing guesses?

    I think all three look like pullets.
  10. jeslewmazer

    He or She? What Breed?

    I agree, too. Next to last pic looks like maybe a Cochin on the far left and a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte on the far right (or crosses of).
  11. jeslewmazer

    Breeds of backyard chickens

    For me American Game is my forever favorite. However, they do require a great deal more space and time. Now on the lines of regular poultry my favorite are Sussex. They are a gentle, and do make a good table bird. The hens are good layers and moms. A pit fall for me is the straight comb, because...
  12. jeslewmazer

    Breed ?

    I'm going to go against the grain an say Norwegian Jaerhons, but still could be Sex-link, mix, etc.
  13. jeslewmazer

    How many eggs for bantam broody?

    Try starting your own thread for better results. (Start a New Thread) button right beside the (Post a Reply) button. They do tend to spread out more when they go broody. You can use real eggs or fake. When she goes broody try and fit as many that will fit without being uncovered or without...
  14. jeslewmazer

    Is this an Ameraucana/mix?

    I think you can in those 4H programs.
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